Another American Citizen Imprisoned Overseas Deserves Just As Much Attention As Brittney Griner – IOTW Report

Another American Citizen Imprisoned Overseas Deserves Just As Much Attention As Brittney Griner

Based Politics: The arrest of US citizen and WNBA star Brittney Griner last February by Russian authorities has garnered a considerable amount of attention. Ever since the news broke, the media, politicians, and celebrities have demanded her release. However, there is another US citizen who was arrested by a foreign government and barely garnered any attention: Ciham Ali Abdu.

Ciham Ali is a US-born citizen from Los Angeles. She was only a 15-year-old high school student at the time of her arrest.

Ciham Ali was arrested by the Eritrean government back in 2012 at the Eritrea-Sudan border after her father had a falling out with President Isaias Afwerki. For reference, Eritrea is located in East Africa bordering Sudan, Ethiopia, and Djibouti. 

Eritrea is home to arguably the world’s worst dictatorship. With rampant human rights abuses, forced military service, and no press or religious freedom, it is considered the North Korea of Africa. Due to this bleak reality, tens of thousands flee the country each year.

I am writing about Ciham Ali because she is unable to do that for herself. Most politicians, the media, and celebrities don’t even know who she is. Ali has been in a prison somewhere in Eritrea and the government has refused to give any update on her. Her family doesn’t even know whether or not she is alive or what she looks like. more

16 Comments on Another American Citizen Imprisoned Overseas Deserves Just As Much Attention As Brittney Griner

  1. In Rome’s heyday foreigners arresting a Roman citizen was tantamount to an act of war.
    If we could shake off these anti-American traitors infesting every level of gov’t and the bureaucracy, we could implement a similar plan.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  2. I’m focused on our democrat political Pelosi prisoners rotting away in the communist city of Washington DC FIRST!! Our problems take priority.

  3. I feel for the young lady, but is the rest of her family US citizens? Sounds like an anchor baby type deal and while unfortunate, January 6 prisoners should be a priority. As for the basketball player, next time follow the rules in the country you are visiting.

  4. as far as I’m concerned that damn Brittany should stay right in Russia. She would fit in quite well since she does not like United States. Wonder how Russians like homosexuality. Turn your back on our flag gets you a nice long stay in Russia without your queer wife

  5. Text of the Declaration of Independence

    “…that whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these Ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government…”

    I’m ready when everyone else is!

  6. Her family are Eritrean bigshots? And she’s “American”… how? And this anonymous “report” with absolutely no background details (who she is, who they are, what she and they were doing there — living there? anchor baby?) is supposed to be meaningful? And… 2012? Where has been Obama?

    Bottom line: I don’t care.

    I care about the 13 American kids who weren’t imprisoned, but who were blown up in Afghanistan last summer.

    I care about the J6 prisoners rotting in the Dem gulags without justice.

    And I care about much more.


    Sorry, no.

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  8. Reloader 83
    JULY 23, 2022 AT 9:00 AM

    “I’m ready when everyone else is!”

    The problem with revolutions is that no one ever tells you when they are scheduled to start.


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