Another College Racism Hoax Got Exposed – IOTW Report

Another College Racism Hoax Got Exposed

Town Hall

We’re back to this silly game, huh? All these stories always end the same way. Enough. College liberals, you’re not more intelligent than the police. You’re going to get caught, and it’s at a point where everyone sees your detachment from reality. We have another race hoax on a college campus, where someone wrote “f**k n**gers, Trump Rules” on the plaza of Rhodes College, a private liberal arts institution in Memphis, Tennessee. 

And after an initial investigation, it’s been revealed as a total hoax.

10 Comments on Another College Racism Hoax Got Exposed

  1. If anyone can name a single solitary one of these that haven’t been a hoax I’ve ever seen it. The “news” outfits who report on them know this and are participants in libel and slander and should be sued onto the street.

    They are progressive/Marxist/Satanists and as such are materialists. This is the only thing they understand.


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