Another company has left California for Texas – IOTW Report

Another company has left California for Texas

RAV: Gordon Ramsay North America is developing a team of chefs and businessmen in Las Colinas, Dallas, the Dallas Morning News first reported.

The Dallas-Fort Worth area is already home to some of the largest restaurant companies in the U.S., and continues to draw new businesses and residents to the area. The region has expanded so much in the past decade that 2020 Census data warranted Texas gaining two congressional seats in the North Texas area. more

9 Comments on Another company has left California for Texas

  1. @Marian

    Do you really expect a transplanted California leftist to demonstrate any critical thinking abilities?

    Here is the predictable progression;

    Chad moves to Texas because California has turned into an overtaxed shit-hole.

    While living in Texas Chad sees way too many guns for his liking and votes for candidates that champion gun control legislation.

    Chad sees way too many gas guzzling SUV’s and votes for candidates that champion climate policies.

    Chad sees big sprawling ranches and wonders why rich people are so rapacious, figuring they need to pay more in taxes and have less land so others less affluent can be provided for.

    Chad sees way too many white business and store owners, falls back on his “diversity is our strength” mantra and votes for minority candidates that promises huge social programs for the inner cities.

    After a while Texas turns into California 2.0 and the dumb-shit California transplant can’t figure out what happened.

  2. Rich: Don’t forget to have the newly Democrat Texas legislature to implement universal Vote by Mail to prevent Republicans from ever gaining a toe-hold again. Oh, yeah, and reapportionment too.

  3. When large corporations move into Texas, and I saw it happening, they bring 1,000s of employees with them. It’s just a matter of time until a few mega urban areas begin to dominate state politics.

    Harris, Travis, Dallas and Bexar Counties are solid blue and are growing be leaps & bounds. Tarant County(Ft Worth) voted Biden!!! for the first time going blue.

    I saw the exact same thing happen in CO as Denver & Boulder Counties grew.

    REgressives can truly be compared to locusts. They will fuck up a wet dream, guaranteed every time.

  4. “REgressives can truly be compared to locusts.”

    I liken them to viruses, unable to sustain themselves independently they must infect another host for survival. They are a parasite, genetically designed to weaken and destroy their neighbors. Textbook definition of a prog, if you ask me.

  5. @Rich – they’re a virus who think they are the vaccine. No self awareness or shame whatsoever – can’t see/admit what destruction they cause everywhere they go.

  6. “Ramsay North America already has a temporary test kitchen inside Dallas College’s Culinary, Pastry and Hospitality facility in north Texas. And one of its new executive chefs is Dallas native Michelle Tribble.”

    Uh-oh. The Trouble with Tribbles.

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