Another Day Another Hit Piece On Scott Walker – IOTW Report

Another Day Another Hit Piece On Scott Walker

This time it’s a WAPO noodnik that thought he had Scott Walker in a Palin-esque gotcha.

Unfortunately for the idiot writer, just as Palin always emerges victorious from the gotchas, so does Walker.

Philip Rucker thought he had Walker in a gaffe when Walker characterized Ronald Reagan’s firing of the wildcat air-traffic controller strikers as one of the most significant “foreign relations” policies of Reagan’s administration.

The writer laughed. Who’s laughing now??

Read Ed Driscoll

ht/ just the tip

14 Comments on Another Day Another Hit Piece On Scott Walker

  1. I think this guy has a pair and I sure hope we see a Walker/Cruz ticket. The rest who are ‘testing the waters’ are Rinos and not worthy of the job; just like the clown we have now.

  2. Future Walker Stories:

    1. Walker is the ringleader of a Satanic cult that engages in the ritual stomping of little puppies and kittens.

    Evidence: Walker signed a bill that had a provision to allow the outsourcing of certain animal control activities to private agencies like the SPCA or PAWS. I mean… C’mon… It’s the same thing.

    2. Walker is cyborg put in place by a race of voracious, carnivorous, racist, homophobic space aliens whose favorite gastronomic delicacy is human foi gras made from minorities or homosexuals.

    Evidence: He eats meat, and I don’t like him. That pretty much counts as proof in my book.

    3. Walker is a serial sexual predator.

    Evidence: I have it on good authority that he once forced valentines day cards on at least two female classmates in the 3rd grade when they had heard from a reliable source that Walker, at the time, did indeed have the cooties.

  3. Walker’s a white guy!
    Walker has a bald spot!
    Walker doesn’t have a JD from Havad!
    Walker doesn’t have a Nobel Prize!
    Walker’s not a mozlem sympathizer!
    Walker’s not homosexual!
    Walker once went to a bowling alley!

  4. Walker refers to the “hard working taxpayers” in every speech – like they’re a BFD.

    Biden called Commiecare a “BFD.”

    Honestly – whose side is this Scott Walker creep on anyway?

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