Another Democrat caught abusing taxpayer dollars – IOTW Report

Another Democrat caught abusing taxpayer dollars

It sure feels like we are forced to write a new story about corrupt Democrats every few months. Over the last year we’ve brought you the corruption saga’s of Maxine Waters, Alcee Hastings, Corrine Brown, and Chakah Fatah (among others). All four Democrats have been accused of corruption and in all four cases it’s been proved that some impropriety has taken place.

Chakah Fatah (D-PA) is sitting in a prison in Pennsylvania.

Corrine Brown (D-FL) was recently found guilty on 18 different criminal counts.

Alcee Hastings (D-FL) was recently unmasked having wasted some $2.5 MILLION in  taxpayer money on his longtime girlfriend. An ethics committee is now looking into the charges against him.

Maxine Waters (D-FL) is now embroiled in the second major ethics scandal of her career. This time an investigation has discovered that she has paid her own daughter hundreds of thousands of taxpayer dollars over the last few years.

The latest Democrat scandal seems tame compared to the crimes of these four corrupt liberals, but it’s still going to pose major problems for Democrat Rep. William Lacy Clay (D-MO).  MORE

16 Comments on Another Democrat caught abusing taxpayer dollars

  1. I look at them and I see they all have one thing in common. They are all ….. crooked democrats. ….. What? Ahhh, you thought I was gonna say they’re all ……… you’re a racist!

  2. He’s the jerk who threw a tantrum over the Michael Brown “art” being taken down in the hall of congress.
    Wish one of the congress critters had the nads to hang a pic of Clay in prison stripes in its place.

  3. In 1981, Hastings was charged with accepting a $150,000 bribe in exchange for a lenient sentence and a return of seized assets for 21 counts of racketeering by Frank and Thomas Romano, and of perjury in his testimony about the case. In 1983, he was acquitted by a jury after his alleged co-conspirator, William Borders, refused to testify in court, resulting in a jail sentence for Borders.

    In 1988, the Democratic-controlled U.S. House of Representatives took up the case, and Hastings was impeached for bribery and perjury by a vote of 413-3. He was then convicted in 1989 by the United States Senate becoming the sixth federal judge in the history of the United States to be removed from office by the Senate. The Senate, in two hours of roll calls, voted on 11 of the 17 articles of impeachment. It convicted Hastings of eight of the 11 articles. The vote on the first article was 69 for and 26 opposed.

    The Senate had the option to forbid Hastings from ever seeking federal office again, but did not do so. Alleged co-conspirator attorney William Borders went to jail again for refusing to testify in the impeachment proceedings, but was later given a full pardon by President Bill Clinton on his last day in office.

    In addition to the recent 18 count conviction of Corrine Brown, it was known she also had her daughter, who is an atty in Miami, skimming hundred thousand dollars from campaign contributions, but was never brought up on charges.

    Debbie Wasserman-Schultz threatened the chief of Capital Police, that if he didn’t release servers & other equipment used by the Awan brothers to her, there would be consequences. The Chief returned property that’s under supposed investigation, back to DWS.

    Any crimes by these cons that make it to print is just a fraction of the number they’ve committed.

  4. Not surprising really. One of the common beliefs required for all libtards is that individuals or Corporations. All money belongs to the state. It’s there job to redistribute it anyway they see fit.
    When did Maxine Waters move to Florida? That’s good news.

  5. (thanks Al)
    “Is it a prerequisite to joining the Congressional Black Caucus that you be a shifty, no-account con artist?”

    No, inexperienced are accepted- they provide on the job training for those skills.

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