Another Eye-Rolling Media Lie: No, Donald Trump Does Not Owe Millions to Bank of China – IOTW Report

Another Eye-Rolling Media Lie: No, Donald Trump Does Not Owe Millions to Bank of China

Breitbart: Donald Trump does not owe the Bank of China tens of millions of dollars.

On Friday, Politico reported incorrectly that President Trump was tens of millions of dollars in debt to the state-controlled Chinese Bank. The story also incorrectly referred to “the historic precedent of a developer-turned president paying back millions to a bank controlled by a foreign government.”

The story went on to claim that Trump’s alleged “financial dealings” with the Chinese bank “complicates one of Trump’s emerging campaign attacks against Biden: that the former vice president would be a gift to the Communist country and America’s chief economic rival.”

But Donald Trump was not the borrower and Bank of China is not the creditor to the investment vehicle that owns the New York City office building that is the focus of the story.

Ali Pardo, deputy communications director for press for the Trump Campaign, said:

The far left and liberal media will stop at nothing to undermine the President. They’ll even go as far as to sensationalize stories that don’t make any logical sense. President Trump was one of the nation’s most successful businessmen before he entered public service, while people like Hunter Biden have been cashing in on his family name and unfathomably been profiting from his father’s political career.

Trump does have an investment in an office tower located at 1290 Avenue of the Americas, near Rockefeller Center in New York City. But the loan financing that building is no longer owed to the Bank of China. It was sold years ago into a securitization that is serviced by Wells Fargo and owned by a wide range of investors. read more

6 Comments on Another Eye-Rolling Media Lie: No, Donald Trump Does Not Owe Millions to Bank of China

  1. Yeah… I used to think that good journalism wuz unbiased transparency with the appropirate due diligence that included vetting multiple sources.
    Well silly me!
    Good, fukin luck trying to find that anymore in today’s Bought & Paid For MSM, which now includes partisan blogs and Social Media. Quite simply, they have turned into a blatent propaganda megaphone for the democRAT party who willingly and intentionally replaces any intelligent, cogent thinking with Political Correctness and preposterous quantities of (D)ishonesty, (D)eceit, (D)eception and (D)isinformation! (Yer (D) words of the day!)
    Just more proof that democRATz and their wholly owned PapaRATzi Media Stooges are genuinely afraid that the traditional American Voter is going to interfere with the 2020 election!!

  2. “But, how many shares of the parent companies of the media does the Chinese government own? Hmm?”
    Enough that treason by these companies is damn close to what’s going on.

  3. Trump has got to release his lawyers on entities such as Politico whenever they print incorrect information. Sue the hell out of them and drag them into court because at some point a Judge is going to rule that Politico and the other trash dealers are not journalists and are not covered by the first amendment so that slander/libel suits will not have as high a bar to cross.

  4. All this eye rolling is getting me dizzy.

    It’s become a daily involuntary muscle motion, that my optic nerve is adjusting to, and hopefully my brain is not going to misfire as a result.


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