As you’ve probably caught wind of, Joe Biden’s border disaster is really putting America through the wringer. It’s not just the border towns feeling the heat anymore. With Biden’s border invasion cranking up, the ripple effects are hitting every corner of the United States, touching more than just the working and middle classes. Now, even the upper crust of American society is starting to squirm as some fresh “gang” creativity shows up at their doorstep.
Trump’s been saying (and getting slammed for it) that we’re not exactly getting the cream of the crop. It’s like some places are just clearing out their jails and psych wards and sending them our way. And the Democrats might as well be holding the door open with welcome baskets as these dregs of humanity flood in. more
I’ve said it before, it’s the Mariel Boatlift on steroids.
If they vote and support dems they deserve it.
Wait until some of these gangs start kidnapping the rich like they do in countries south of the border. Maybe that will wake these elites up.
“but this time they’re going after American elites]”
I don’t see the problem….
Yes, the elites are smarter than us. They will know what to do. I wonder how many of these Chilean gang members will join the police force? Nothing like having people on the inside.
“The only slight silver lining here might be that once the elites themselves start feeling the heat, we could see some real change.”
Yes, they will empower and arm cops in their enclaves and give them complete immunity from anything they do to homebreakers.
And ONLY in their enclaves.
The intent will be to drive them out to ordinary citizens, making things such a crisis that “the people” will DEMAND the Federal Government throw all their rights out the window and do SOMETHING.
…all part of the plan…
I saw how they responded to this when elite are involved way back in 2015. Federal Judge Susan Dlott, who had had a busy summer ruining the quality of life for ordinary citizens and destroying the careers of police officers by empowering Occupy Wall Street to rob and rape and shit on police cars, herself became a victim of the monsters she helped create who broke into her mansion in the elite part of Cincinnati, robbed her and punted her disbarred, breast-cancer and fen-phen settlement money stealing husband down some steps (not hard enough), and booked, unfortunately leaving her alive.
Despite the fact these were Black guys and cops at that time and place were pretty much forbidden to interfere with Black thuggery, they were REAL quick to get these PARTICULAR Black guys, who got rapidly and massively prosecuted and sent to jail until they’d be too old to ever threaten a Democrat again.
They’re still there. And will be for awhile.
…don’t you worry about the elite. They are perfectly capable of using your tax dollars to have special police with special rules only fir themselves, with the courts and prosecutors and politicians that are all part of the same incestuous cabal, ready to drive these gangs into to middle of YOUR community where they will serve the REAL purpose they were let in for.
OWS morphed into Antifa and BLM, and is still quite active in making life suck for the ordinary taxpayer, often at that same taxpayer’s expense.
Expect the same, and worse, from their mezoamerican pets, once they are properly brought to heel…
If the perp is an illegal and it’s a felony, they should be executed. That will stop the problem after 1 -2 executions.
One of the problems I have with Revolver is sometimes they’re just stupid.
“[ but this time they’re going after American elites]”
What’s the one the elites have that the rest of us don’t? Private security. So don’t get your hopes up people.
Byron Rodgers and other private security peeps have been warning about these assholes for about three months. Their prime targets are not “Elites”. And not necessarily political. This group targets successful small business people. Probably conservative by nature.
LeBron James ‘Concerned’ by Squatters Near His California Home: Report
Four months later, the work was completed, but now James has another problem to deal with. Squatters have moved in to a nearby property and are throwing regular parties that have resulted in assaults, fires, and arrests, per The Daily Mail.
Concur with Cynic above. Catch an illegal criminal, summary execution. If you put the heads on pikes at the points of entry, it MIGHT slow down entry.
I organized the first Chilean gang.
They come here for love!
Obamas internal private army that he wanted. Watch and see
Concentrate on Washington DC, and I might give a pass.
@ Wild Bill-I had been living and working in Miami for years when the Mariel Boatlift happened in May 1980. A handful of Cubans scaled the Peruvian embassy wall in Havana & asked for asylum. The Peruvians, fearing Castro, turned them down. The naive and gullible Carter then stepped up stating that we will take them with open arms. Castro emptied the prisons, insane asylums, rounded up all the gangsters and hookers, and 125,000 of them came to Miami. The city was never the same. A Cuban exile friend of mine rented a large fishing boat along with some cousins, and went to Mariel with a list of relatives they wanted to take back. The Cuban authorities had no interest in a list. They boarded the boat & determined how many it could hold & loaded it with strangers. Jose told me there was one crazy & dangerous criminal whom he & his cousins decided they may have to kill him. To my point, Maduro is a disciple of Castro, and the violent crime rate in Venezuela has recetly plummented. He has taken a page from Castro’s playbook & duped our stupidest president who has ever been “elected.”
Buck Slowjoe Fiden!!!
Once they figure out how to break into underground bunkers, they can come help us out.