ANOTHER Get-Trump Dossier uncovered – this one by the Obama State Dept – IOTW Report

ANOTHER Get-Trump Dossier uncovered – this one by the Obama State Dept

Geller Report: It’s time for the Trump administration at appoint a special prosecutor.

Judicial Watch Sues For FBI Docs on Comey Book Deal, Coordination on Comey Testimony before Senate Intelligence Committee

JudicialWatch, February 11, 2018:

(Washington, DC) — Judicial Watch announced today it filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit against the Justice Department for FBI records about former Director James Comey’s book, which he signed to write in August 2017 and is set for publication in April 2018 (Judicial Watch v. U.S. Department of Justice, (No. 1:18-cv-00220)).  The suit also seeks records of communications between Comey and the FBI prior to and regarding Comey’s controversial June 2017 testimony before the Senate Intelligence Committee.

Judicial Watch filed suit on January 31 in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia after the Justice Department failed to respond to an August 14, 2017 FOIA request for:

  • All records of communications between the FBI and Comey prior to and regarding Comey’s testimony before the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence on June 8, 2017.

  • All records of communications between the FBI and Comey relating to an upcoming book to be authored by Comey and published.

  • All records, including but not limited to forms completed by Comey, relating to the requirement for prepublication review by the FBI of any book to be authored by Comey with the intent to be published or otherwise publicly available.  more

11 Comments on ANOTHER Get-Trump Dossier uncovered – this one by the Obama State Dept

  1. Regarding the story…remember when Comey was spotted going into the NYT building a couple of weeks after his Senate testimony, and there was much speculation that he was there to talk to reporters, but it turned out he was there for a charity event, and NYT’s Maggie Haberman had the pics to prove it? Yeah, I’m not buying it anymore. That lanky freak is no good. Too much weird and crooked shit since then. I don’t believe anything any of them say anymore. Not that I believed much of it in the first place. This popcorn is getting stale. I need a real meal.

  2. Isn’t it sad that third party watchdog groups are now a NECESSITY in order to see that our own government, which thinks truth is a option, doesn’t metastasize into the mafia. Without Judicial Watch and other groups we would have no idea what was going on. More is good!!

  3. Fitton and Judicial Watch are doing the job that the ENTIRE media and half the DoJ should be doing. And have been doing it for years.
    Their (Fitton and JW) outstanding accomplishments make me ashamed that America can be so totally deaf and blind to the facts swirling all around us.

    izlamo delenda est …

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