Another messaging snafu from the White House – IOTW Report

Another messaging snafu from the White House

Patriot Retort:

When it comes to messaging, the Biden administration has a problem on its hands and that problem is named Joseph Robinette Biden, Junior.

We all remember how the White House had to run around cleaning up after Joe every time he got the messaging wrong on COVID vaccines and masking. But since then, their messaging problem has only gotten much, much worse.

I mentioned on Sunday the reckless and insane statements President Blundermouth made during his trip to Europe that left the White House busier than a one-armed paper-hanger. They would issue one “clarification” on a stupid Biden remark then, before they knew it, the old coot was making another stupid remark requiring another “clarification.”

Well, yesterday, Joe Biden landed his staff in it during a brief Q&A with reporters.

Here’s the backstory.

Last week as the President was preparing to leave for his European disaster, his deputy press secretary Chris Meagher, filling in for COVID Psaki, read the following statement at the start of Tuesday’s press briefing (yeah, it’s long, but read it all anyway — oh, and the bold emphasis is mine): read more

13 Comments on Another messaging snafu from the White House

  1. Everything, every word, every action that joey says or does is a ginormous clusterfuck and SNAFU/FUBAR beyond the wildest imagination. He is the absolute worst presidunce this nation has ever seen and needs to be put out to pasture and removed from the Presidency to the funny farm before he can completely destroy everything good about America. I can’t even hardly pray anything good for him. God can change his heart and mind, I can’t. How do you even pray for a totally out of control evil man? It’s beyond me.

  2. C’mon, Mammy! They put the Fossil Fool in front of the really big screen television to watch the Senate Judiciary Committee Hearings for Brownie’s nomination to be on the Supremely Gutless Court. Can his Handlers help it if Poor Joey changed the channel to the Animal Planet? He watched it continuously for about six hours. What’s new?

  3. Maybe his double watched it for him?
    He was busy pulling his dog’s tail while buck naked in the shower. And everybody knows you don’t do that while watching confirmation hearings for some communist hack.

  4. Slow Joe was never smart to begin with. Now he is an empty vessel, a blank blackboard, very dim led bulb. It Disgusting how they circle the wagons around him. What a joke that he’s supposed to be the most powerful person in the world. That is a disgrace


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