Another Obama-era regulatory regime bites the dust – IOTW Report

Another Obama-era regulatory regime bites the dust

American Thinker:

The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) will repeal all Obama-era rules relating to “net neutrality.”  The vote on repeal will be taken in December, when the Republican majority is expected to approve it.

The Obama net neutrality rules hindered innovation and prevented telecoms from charging more for faster internet service.  Eventually, net neutrality regulations would have established an internet price structure that had nothing to do with market forces.   read more

11 Comments on Another Obama-era regulatory regime bites the dust

  1. The Øbamboozler’s legacy as Revrum Wright’s feckless “God-Damn America”-hating, Treasury-looting, economy-wrecking, healthcare-destroying, backstabbing, stone-walling, wildly spending, dope-smoking, momjeans-wearing, shame gland missing, Peace Prize-Stealing, monument-Barrycading, process-circumventing, Benghazi bullshitting, Constitution-stomping, stair-prancing, sheet-grabbing, pillow-biting, ankle-grabbing, Gay-obsessed, stumbling, mumbling, Radical, Bomb-Throwing, Marxist Muzlim Mallard (disguised as a Black man) will stand forever!

  2. It’s pretty cool seeing things that would make Obama spin in his grave happen before he gets there.

    Didn’t he also turn control of the I-net over to the dictator thugs in the UN?
    So many dumbassed things were done during the Obama era it’s difficult to recall all of them.

  3. The interwebs are lighting up with this, as so many people know that socialism net neutrality is critical to our unfettered freedom of speech. Even Firefox. Glad to put this annoying issue behind us.


    The history books will have a chapter on government flip-flops of policy that continuously angered 50% of the population every 4-8 years in a futile attempt to correct the record from the previous administration.

    Eventually, through continued irritation, violence was a daily occurrence. Citizen fought citizen, politician fought politician, until finally, everyone looked back at Half-Assed-Patriot’s posts and realized he was right in calling for secession years ago.

  5. It’s sickening watching the disinformation campaign from the far left on so-called “net neutrality”.

    As someone who was an adult prior to Mosaic and Netscape Navigator to this stupid law being passed in February 2015, reading this unmitigated horseshit about how its repeal will cause the sky to fall.

    I recall a Wild West Internet that was craptons more fun than the one where Google can erase your website (like they’ve done to mine), or where YouTube who is also Google, can delete your account without cause, or where Twitter investigates your personal life to determine if you will be allowed to express an opinion on their platform.

    The thing they complain is going to happen already did as they cheered.

    It might not work out for BitTorrent users, pirates, bitcoin miners, and deadbeats who stream 10 terabytes of movies per month.

    If they don’t like it, work to trustbust Facebook, Google, Twitter, AT&T, Comcast and the rest.

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