Another radical “anti-Trump” J6 judge gets a humiliating smackdown by DC appellate court – IOTW Report

Another radical “anti-Trump” J6 judge gets a humiliating smackdown by DC appellate court


Yet another J6 “activist” judge just got a hefty smackdown from a three-panel DC appellate court. We’ve all sat back in horror, watching how our tyrannical and unjust government and activist judges, drunk on power and ideology have been treating January 6 Americans like North Korea political dissenters. Meanwhile, violent black and brown criminals are given the “red carpet” treatment, as crime soars in liberal-run hellholes. The sliver of good news in this un-American story is that when many of these tyrants are challenged, their sham cases fall apart.

Judge Reggie Walton really fits the bill of a dutiful uni-party soldier, and boy, has he been rewarded for it. It just goes to show, the Republicans can really ramp up the affirmative action when they want to. George W. Bush put Walton in the game back in June 2001. Fast forward to 2007, and Chief Justice John Roberts puts him on the US Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court for seven years, even bumping him up to Presiding Judge by 2013. Now, Walton’s sitting pretty as a senior judge in the District of Columbia, but let’s just say his resume isn’t something to brag about. In case you. didn’t know it, this is the guy who let Crooked Hillary Clinton off the hook during the whole Whitewater scandal in the ’90s, tossing out a Judicial Watch lawsuit. In addition, this is the same unprofessional, political hack, who went on CNN, spewing anti-Trump propaganda.

Former Justice Gorsuch clerk, attorney Mike Davis explains how Judge Walton’s unprofessional, politically biased behavior could have tainted the jury pool. more

9 Comments on Another radical “anti-Trump” J6 judge gets a humiliating smackdown by DC appellate court

  1. “…this is the guy who let Crooked Hillary Clinton off the hook during the whole Whitewater scandal…”

    Which is why W appointed him as soon as he got in office; the Bush’s are BFFs with the Clintons.

  2. Judge shoppin? Boy-o-boy if all the murderers & rapists could only do that. Heck just like those insurrectionists they claim their innocent too. But a majority locked up behind bars claim their innocent.
    Walton just stating the obvious. You know 1st Amendment rights, free speech & all. Get ready, here it comes…. Nope, America voters aren’t going to lie down & hand over America to a bunch of CRIMINALS.

  3. They screw us we squawk then… nothing. Hilry gets a walk, Hunter gets a walk, Pedo Joe gets a walk. Billy Jeff got his walk(s) so long ago we don’t even mention him anymore. Blumenthal, walk, Nadler, walk, Schiff, walk, we with memories can go back to Durbin, walk, Rostenkowski… now there’s a memory, fellers, walk. We can review the Abscam participants and see… walk. Walk, walk. Some more? Not hungry for more… any more? Maybe we just quit squawking? Or hang some motherfuckers?

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