Another traitor joins cable news – IOTW Report

Another traitor joins cable news

Patriot Retort: Say, remember when having a background in journalism was the key to becoming a cable news contributor?

Yeah, no. Neither do I.

But what is particularly odd is nowadays it seems the key to joining a cable news network is having participated in the single biggest scandal in US political history.

You got traitor James Clapper joining CNN.

Then there’s MSNBC who hired on coup mastermind John Brennan to be a part of their cable news team.

But apparently that wasn’t enough traitor for one cable news network.


They’ve also added Mr. Unmasking Failed Novelist himself, Ben Rhodes.

12 Comments on Another traitor joins cable news

  1. Great business plan CNN. When your ratings are in the toilet double down on stupid. We all realize that CNN’s toilet bowl is full. There is no more room for any more clapper.
    Remember when you could trust your newsman, nope neither do I.

  2. They no longer hide behind the “Journalist” lie.
    They are the propaganda organ of Inter-National Socialism and there is no longer any doubt about it. What’s amazing is that regular Americans are so mal-educated that they refuse to recognize it.

    I have serious reservations about our ability to continue as an effective Republic.

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. CANNOT wait until this asshat becomes the next FOIL for the POTUS.

    This just might be what Acosta has been waiting and hoping for??

    Hope everyone saw that “night of the election results” vid of Always Looks Expressionless (no soul) Rhodes.

    …humna, humna, humna…paging Ralph Kramden.



  4. It will make it easier to round them up when CNN is taken down using the RICO statute. They are co-conspirators in a cabal to take down the duly elected President of the USA. Swamp rats and traitors.

    On the same subject, I am still waiting for the names of the hacks in the media who Fusion GPS paid. They have the company’s bank records. We can add them to the names and organizations exposed in the Pedesta e-mails.

    These are very interesting times. The old guard MSM have lost all objectivity and credibility. They have degenerated into public relation firms for corrupt and criminal organizations, and actively participate in such activity.

    They will not be missed when they are taken down.

  5. Here’s my take: If Ben Rhodes had gone to Ireland and kissed the fooken Blarney Stone he would have acquired “eloquence of diction.”
    And he would have been able to bullshit his way out of that horrible defeat with aplomb. But he’s a fooken eegit and now he’s right up there with Clapper, Brennan, and eventually Comey, on Cable News.
    Fooken traitors all! Fukit I’m off to the couch!


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