Another Week of ‘Slow Joe’ – IOTW Report

Another Week of ‘Slow Joe’

WFB: Joe Biden this week laughed off the idea that he is slowing down, but the 77-year-old Democratic nominee struggled to speak coherently and read his teleprompter while answering questions—something his national press secretary refused to answer questions about.

12 Comments on Another Week of ‘Slow Joe’

  1. Jerry, it’s about time the White House merch staff started developing the Presidential piss bib.

    The lengths the media is going to in order to mask his substantial decline is the same one they’ll go to when they undermine the election results. They are as partisan as the colleges because they are comprised of nothing but the rotten fruits its tree has produced.

  2. When he pees it not only dribbles all over his leg but all over the floor around the urinal or toilet as well. It’s like my mom used to say, if we ever get bombed hide under the toilet because its never been hit. Or if you sprinkle when you tinkle please clean it up.

  3. My mom had Sundowners and believe me at night after 9-10 PM she would go batshit crazy. It is not a pretty sight nor fun to deal with. My dad and I didn’t know what she would do, some nights weren’t too bad but other nights I’d have to watch her like a hawk and sleep very lightly and with one eye open. I wouldn’t wish dementia on anyone after seeing what my mom went thru in her last year of life. And there was the middle of the night when the water heater started rattling and clanging due to pressure building up inside it and woke her up and she became uncontrollable, my dad had to sit on her and hold her down and I had to call my brother at about 2 O’clock in the morning to come over and help us to settle her down. She was seeing an old family friend beating my dad up and wanting to call the cops and trying to run away. It was a night that I’ll never forget nor ever want to go thru ever again, fortunately and it took awhile but we finally got her calmed down after an hour or two of some crazy shit. It wore her out enough that she slept most of the next day but when nighttime came again it was nutso time again. That was one of the hardest and most rewarding things (as well as funniest) that I ever did for my folks in 2017 and 18 when I became a full time care giver for them before they both passed away in 2018. And don’t even get me started on where she was hiding the cat food.

  4. My mom was evidently cognitive enough and sneaky to hide the cat food the way she did. I’d buy cat food for their old B&W Tuxedo cat Fred and it would disappear and I had no idea where it went but the cat food bowl was always full every morning. Evidently she cared more about Fred than anything else and was hiding as well hoarding the cat food from me and my dad. I finally found it inside my dad’s office closet in a large left over Christmas metal popcorn tin. She was very aware of some things but others she totally forgot and Fred was really important to her and he got special treatment. It was actually funny but aggravating at times because of her sneakiness in hiding the cat food.

  5. My dad was an organized and highly disciplined career Navy Aviation Corpsman.

    At the end of his life while fighting stage 4 liver cancer he developed rapid onset dementia.

    After sundown he would get agitated and belligerent and do crazy stuff like removing all the electrical outlet covers and throwing his shoes in the trash.

    This once meticulous man would hide things at random all through the house, before he died he cried that he could not find his precious WW2 book collection.

    It was a boxed set I found behind some old pots and pans deep in a kitchen cabinet after he passed.

    Dementia is a horrible thing but my Dad was honorable in ways Joe Biden could never conceive and its hard for me to care now that the Pedo has it also.

    I still predict he will be forced out but I may be wrong. Either way it shows the depths of how evil Demonrats are.

    You should have heard the stories he told about John McCain. That bastard was evil also.


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