Another White Liberal Busted for Peddling a Racial Hoax for Career Gain – IOTW Report

Another White Liberal Busted for Peddling a Racial Hoax for Career Gain


I mean, how many times are we going to see this happen within the world of white liberals? Rachel Dolezal, Elizabeth Warren, Hillary Baldwin (not calling her Hilaria), and now some human rights lawyer who claimed to be Puerto Rican and Colombian but is really some white girl from Georgia. It’s the liberal America exception again, folks. It’s bad to culturally appropriate. It might be racist, and you should be shamed and destroyed for doing so, but if you’re a liberal and fighting for like-minded causes — it’s ok. You get a hall pass. Alas, the lack of principles at the core of American liberalism. It’s nothing but rot.

For a slice of the country that wants to get us all “woke” and change past racial and ethnic norms, there sure are a lot of these people who have straight-up lied to get ahead, huh? This is just as bad as putting “Native American” or whatever down on college applications. It’s a fraud. So, what’s this white woman from Georgia’s name? It’s Natasha Lycia Ora Bannan, and she’s been claiming to be Hispanic for nearly a decade. READ MORE

8 Comments on Another White Liberal Busted for Peddling a Racial Hoax for Career Gain

  1. I don’t want to sound racist, but I think it is OK to be white. I mean my parents were white. My grandparents were white. My Dad was Italian. He was called many names in the early part of last century. Dago, Wop, and many others too crass to put in this post. He shrugged it off, went to college during the depression, and made a great life for our family. People who fake their backgrounds just to appear WOKE are mentally ill and the worst kind of trash there is. end of rant.

  2. My daughter’s Colombian girlfriend identifies as Lebanese Christian. And Colombian. Colombia is a nation of immigrants. Like America. Spanish is to the Lebanese-Colombian what English is to the Italian-American. There are no Latinx people. It’s a racist deconstruct.

  3. The whole Hillary Baldwin thing is hilarious to me. I am of Mexican descent. Back in the day, I knew Mexicans (including some relatives) who would claim to be Spanish rather than Mexican to pass for white. You know, on account of Spain being in Europe and all. Now, a white chick from Boston is claiming to be from Spain to claim some kind of brown “woke” points. 🤷🏽‍♀️ 🤣🤣


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