Antarctica is gaining ice – IOTW Report

Antarctica is gaining ice

WUWT: NASA glaciologist Jay Zwally says his new study will show, once again, the eastern Antarctic ice sheet is gaining enough ice to offset losses in the west.

By Michael Bastasch

Is Antarctica melting or is it gaining ice? A recent paper claims Antarctica’s net ice loss has dramatically increased in recent years, but forthcoming research will challenge that claim.

NASA glaciologist Jay Zwally first challenged the “consensus” on Antarctica in 2015 when he published a paper showing ice sheet growth in eastern Antarctica outweighed the losses in the western ice sheet.

Zwally will again challenge the prevailing narrative of how global warming is affecting the South Pole. Zwally said his new study will show, once again, the eastern Antarctic ice sheet is gaining enough ice to offset losses in the west.

Much like in 2015, Zwally’s upcoming study will run up against the so-called “consensus,” including a paper published by a team of 80 scientists in the journal Nature on Wednesday. The paper estimates that Antarctic is losing, on net, more than 200 gigatons of ice a year, adding 0.02 inches to annual sea level rise.  more here

10 Comments on Antarctica is gaining ice

  1. @cato June 16, 2018 at 6:16 pm

    I saw that report this week, about the west ice shelf losing ice. Nothing about the gain in eastern Antarctica.

    Talk about one-sided.

  2. IIRC {Frozen} water {ice} displaces more than {liquid} water. (DUH) As it melts, water level falls. Try this with a glass of water. Fill it to the top and freeze it. What happens?
    So if the ice sheets are melting, how do they get that the sea levels are rising?
    Am I missing something?

  3. Ryan – not if you set a cube on a fork above a full glass. A lot of it is on land, not water.

    But I’m on your side.

    There are charts that show the world warming over the ages. This last .03 of a degree the chicken littles are squawking about isn’t even a smidgen compared to the warming since the ice age.

    You’ll never hear an honest take on that from them.

    Add that honest scientists will tell you a warmer world is a wetter world.

    They are trying to keep humanity from surviving with more people on earth. Sit down, morons! You’re actually pulling for making things bad while the world is automatically trying to accomodate us.

  4. Polar shift is actually more of a scientific reality than AGW, and explains a lot about the earth’s history – but you’ll never hear that from the agenda-driven.

  5. @cfm990 June 16, 2018 at 8:43 pm

    Since most tourists that go to the Maldives go there to snorkel, skin dive, and scuba dive, would it really make any difference?


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