Anthem to Exit Nevada’s Obamacare Exchange, Almost Half of Georgia’s Counties in 2018 – IOTW Report

Anthem to Exit Nevada’s Obamacare Exchange, Almost Half of Georgia’s Counties in 2018


American health insurance giant Anthem announced on Monday that it will exit the Obamacare exchange in Nevada and will stop offering plans in roughly half of Georgia’s counties next year.

Anthem announced their withdrawals after Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) and two other Republican senators tanked Obamacare repeal and as Obamacare continues to implode.

The health insurer stated that it will offer “catastrophic plans” in which Americans under 30-years-old or low-income citizens can purchase outside of Nevada’s exchange.

Anthem said that the individual market remains “volatile.” Anthem suggested in a statement that a deteriorating marketplace and uncertainty regarding the future of Obamacare fueled their exit from the state exchange.

“Today, planning and pricing for ACA-compliant health plans has become increasingly difficult due to a shrinking and deteriorating individual market, as well as continual changes and uncertainty in federal operations, rules and guidance, including cost sharing reduction subsidies and the restoration of taxes on fully insured coverage,” Anthem said.

Anthem also revealed that they will only offer Obamacare plans in 85 of Georgia’s 159 counties and also stated that they will continue to offer plans in rural counties that otherwise would not have health insurance.

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7 Comments on Anthem to Exit Nevada’s Obamacare Exchange, Almost Half of Georgia’s Counties in 2018

  1. The amount of harm caused to the family budget is still being calculated. And the jug eared chimp is still out there causing as much trouble as he can. A firing squad pay-per-view event would rake in untold billions.

  2. 🗡 PRICE CONTROLS 🗡 It works in South Korea.

    Every person pushing a broom at a clinic thinks they deserve a 6-figure salary. Rock-star doctors make $750,000.

    Our health care system is the BEST IN THE WORLD, to such a degree no one can afford it.

    It’s like the car companies offering only Rolls Royce or Mercedes Benz. Sure, they are both excellent cars, finest in the world perhaps, but you have to work your ass off to afford one or the other, and you have no other choices. Hey, that’s Capitalism buddy!

  3. I for one think McCain did us a favor allowing Ocare to implode. Just let it die. It’s all on the democrats. The GOP doesn’t need to own it. Hopefully we will get a full repeal, period, down the road after it is fully tanked.

  4. The morons of the media say the Republicans on obamacare now. They are correct.
    all the Republicans who flew for Obamacare own it for the party. Since there are none, the Dhimmicretins still own all of this stinkin’ mess.

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