Anthony Blinken Gets Destroyed by Chinese Delegation – IOTW Report

Anthony Blinken Gets Destroyed by Chinese Delegation

CJR: Secretary of State Blinken had his first major meeting in his new role and let’s just say it did not go too well for him.

If you were concerned that the United Stated would get walked over with Biden running the show, you were right.

Blinken not only made a fool of himself, but he also embarrassed the entire country.

Getting Ripped in Public

The Chinese delegation absolutely dressed down Blinken on the world stage.

While Blinken spoke timidly, the Chinese delegation was firm and went right for the throat.

In part, the Chinese told Blinken, “I think we thought too well of the United States, we thought that the U.S. side will follow the necessary diplomatic protocols.

The dress-down continued, stating that “the United States does not have the qualification to say that it wants to speak to China from a position of strength.”

Just watch the exchange, and tell me who you think got the better of it…


28 Comments on Anthony Blinken Gets Destroyed by Chinese Delegation

  1. This may reflect badly on the Biden administration but Biden can always save face by getting us involved in a war with Russia using the Ukraine as a proxy.

    And I’m fairly serious about that, it’s something I actually expect may end up happening if Biden gets his administration in trouble.

  2. We you start from a position of hating the country you are supposedly representing this is what you get.

    China owns the senile pedophile and is merely posturing for the rest of the world while his administration takes it up the ass…

    PDJT rubbed their commie notes in the paper for four glorious years and they are now returning the favor to a confederacy of dunces.

  3. Anon – I agree. Desperate men do desperate things and the path we are headed down with these Lefist morons and their demented hood-ornament is a desperate one indeed!!

  4. …I can’t imagine WHY the Chinese wouldn’t fear the might of a Nation with a military in maternity flight suits that goes into battle with unisex BDU pockets heavily laden with vials of transgender hormones…

  5. They practiced on Turdeau & Chystia Freeland 4 years earlier.

    They know that North America has huge weaknesses in any of its “Woke” leaders.

    Imagine how they would treat Pelosi or CamelToe

  6. …oh, bye Taiwan, BTW, nice job you did there helping your husband screw your home country like that, Elizabeth Chao McConnell, wonder if any of YOUR old country family will be executed when the Communist purge the last of the Nationalists Chinese without ANY effective resistance from their wholly owned White House fraud that YOU helped to install…

    …abetting election fraud has consequences, Ms. Chao, but the good news is maybe you’ll get to see a nephew or a cousin of yours honored by their new masters by being put on a museum tour near you…

  7. Bob M.
    MARCH 20, 2021 AT 9:16 AM
    ““If you were concerned that the United Stated would get walked over with Biden running the show, you were right.”

    From EVERY corner of the WORLD…”

    ..but they ARE pretty good at bringing overwhelming force to bear on American gun owners and anyone who dared to protest the fraudulent installation of China’s handpicked pedophile, so there’s that…

  8. TRF
    MARCH 20, 2021 AT 9:22 AM
    “SNS – Maybe they are afraid of the most lethal military on the planet being run by a bunch of incompetent, purple-haired, cross-dressing boobs!!”.

    …or DE-boobed, or FakeBoobed, as the case may be…

  9. …America is humiliated by an incompetent SOS for all to see, and “hair color” is the ONLY thing that upsets the Pedophile…

    …maybe Sniffy sniffed a purple haired girl once and didn’t like the smell. It CAN’T be because it LOOKS stupid, even though it DOES, because if The Pedophile was worried about what LOOKED stupid he wouldn’t have even RUN for President, and he CERTAINLY wouldn’t have hired THIS…

  10. All the Chinese did was point out to the American people the embarrassment running this country. The destruction is self inflicted by the arrogant bastards themselves. After stealing the US Presidential election they are drunk with power and the sky is the limit for them now. They think that with the media and Big Tech on their team they are beyond reproach. The Chinese are just pointing out how wrong they are.

  11. Anon above is absolutely correct. But the prospects of war are even worse than that kind of gamesmanship. The tyrants of the world see we have a complete nothing as commander in chief. Very bad things are down the pike. And probably not very far down the pike either.

    In order to capture the White House by any means necessary the democrats have put the very country itself in harm’s way.

  12. Billy: Wynken was standing in the wings waiting for her Installation after Nod gets sent off to the Sleepy Day Memory Wellness Rest Home in Wilmington with two big dogs to remind him of his glorious months wandering around a big White House with a full load in his Presidential Depends.

  13. It’s all Trumps fault you know. He showed true strength and command where the Harris Administration has neither and never will. Libs are all awash in “feelings” and the real world isn’t.


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