Anthony Fauci To Testify Before Congress – IOTW Report

Anthony Fauci To Testify Before Congress


Former National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) Director Anthony Fauci will testify before Congress early next year as part of the GOP’s investigation into the COVID-19 origins and U.S. response.

Associated Press reports Fauci will sit for transcribed interviews in early January and a public hearing for a later date.

“Dr. Anthony Fauci will appear before the 118th Congress for the FIRST TIME for a two-day transcribed interview on January 8, 2024 and January 9, 2024,” the Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic wrote. MORE

22 Comments on Anthony Fauci To Testify Before Congress

  1. All previous commenters have covered it.
    Fauci is a serial liar and enemy of the people.
    Don’t expect a tearful admission of guilt from this douche bag. It will be a defiant denial of culpability.

  2. Anthony Fauci To Testify Before Congress

    Which means all he has to do is take the 5th, lie or redirect any questions…just long enough to make it look like the ‘Republicans’ are trying really hard.

  3. When they mandated masks three years ago to get into the barber shop I decided to cut my hair myself. I do ok on the front but I can’t see the back so decided to let it grow until justice is served and fauci is swinging from a rope. At this rate I’ll have a pony tail down to my ass before justice is served. I find this somewhat depressing but I always keep my word.

  4. @Bill.

    I pulled out the dog clippers during COVID MANIA and let my wife cut my hair. I kept hearing Whoops, some giggling and Sorry as clumps of hair kept falling around me.

    It was quality time between me and wife.

  5. It isn’t the rotten motherfucker that is the problem, he is more a symptom than the disease. Without the fucking idiots with their BLM signs in their yard and giddiness over forcing others to wear masks the guy would never have been position to cause anyone any harm. If people understood this and stopped conceding good intentions to fucking assholes who live on their same block it would make more sense and achieve more. That being said, the rotten bastard deserves to die shitting in his pants while being hung until dead.

  6. attach head band, employ short & long pairs of scissors, protect ear(s) while snipping, no annoying appointments or sharing a waiting area with someone who probably has not showered for a month


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