Anti-Hillary ‘Walking Dead’ Posters Surface in Los Angeles – IOTW Report

Anti-Hillary ‘Walking Dead’ Posters Surface in Los Angeles

THR: The artwork from conservative artist Sabo consists of blood-spattered text reading, “Negan wants 50% of your sh*t.

Hillary demands it all.”

The Walking Dead has been hijacked by a prolific street artist to protest Hillary Clinton and the presidential nominee’s entire Democratic Party.

The artwork from conservative artist Sabo consists of blood-spattered text reading, “Negan wants 50% of your sh!t. Hillary demands it all.”

The sentiments are based on Negan, a new villain on AMC’s hit show who expressed his desire for stuff that doesn’t belong to him.

“In the spirit of The Walking Dead‘s newest villain, Negan, I drew up these posters and placed them outside of the AMC Studio offices in Santa Monica, as well as near the CNN building on Sunset Boulevard, where there will be an anti-Hillary protest,” Sabo tells THR.  MORE

8 Comments on Anti-Hillary ‘Walking Dead’ Posters Surface in Los Angeles

  1. Geez, an hour ago I walked into the house turned on the tv, and the last minutes of the George Stephanopolus show was on.

    Several people setting round. From the discussion it appeared the election was over. Trump had lost. And they were giving their opinions of what Hillary should do, or not do, to unite the country following the Trump loss. Should Trump say anything or just go away.

    Seemed premature wishful thinking to me.
    The evil woman has spoken.
    The fat lady aint sung yet.

    If divine plan puts HRC in the WH. I can only hope God can help me understand Why, and show me and my family how to survive. I’d be happy with Hillary getting less than 0%.

  2. I thought initially that the thrust would be that the decrepit Hildabeast was so sickly that her surviving a term was unlikely. The socialist slant is dead-on, too.

  3. Pop culture has all been for Trump.. the Apple signs with his profile, this… there is nothing for Kankles, no excitement and this is the first year in a very liberal area there are virtually no bumper stickers and very few signs. No one wants to admit they are with HER.

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