Anti-Israel Protesters Desecrate American Revolution Monuments in D.C: ‘Death to USA’ – IOTW Report

Anti-Israel Protesters Desecrate American Revolution Monuments in D.C: ‘Death to USA’

Phrases such as “F*ck Israel,” F*ck Biden,” “Death to the USA,” “Tranny Fags 4 Palestine,” “Amerikkka = pigs,” and “Kos Om Israel” were written on the monument.

Slay: Anti-Israel protesters have taken to desecrating several monuments commemorating the American Revolution near the White House.

Pro-Hamas activists graffitied on statued and desecrated the White House gates with anti-Israel and anti-American statements.

According to photos taken by Breitbart News on Sunday, protesters used red paint to mimic bloody handprints on the columns of the north White House gates near the West Wing.

The phrase “Free Palestine” was written above the handprints.

According to ABC News Chief White House Correspondent Mary Bruce, they still had not been cleaned by Monday morning. more

14 Comments on Anti-Israel Protesters Desecrate American Revolution Monuments in D.C: ‘Death to USA’

  1. If you have Netflix & a strong stomach, you need, everyone needs, to see “The Last Days”, a documentary on how the SS were hell-bent on eradicating Hungarian Jews, even when the Nazis had to have recognized they were going to lose the war.
    I hear a lot of “never again” being thrown around, but here, within a couple generations, the same Nazi bullshit starting up again.
    And the same kind of fucking idiots saying “It can’t happen here”.
    It’s happening here.

  2. Time to go,Hop in the Uber go home bitch at the parents, sleep in the feather bed, wake up, yell at the immigrant “help” for not cooking brunch right, put on protest clothes, uber back into the city and PROTEST!!!

  3. When will the FBI get around to arresting these people and throwing them in jail without due process? I guess they’re too busy searching the New Jersey woods for a J6 ‘terrorist’.


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