Anti-lockdown rage in the Netherlands – IOTW Report

Anti-lockdown rage in the Netherlands

RT: Some 240 people have been arrested as unrest spread to at least 10 municipalities across the Netherlands, with riot police using water cannons, batons, dogs and horses to break up unauthorized anti-lockdown gatherings and riots.

Police faced off with curfew-defying crowds in The Hague, Amsterdam, Eindhoven, Enschede, Venlo, Stein, Roermond, Oosterhout, Breda and elsewhere across the nation for the second day in a row on Sunday.  more

8 Comments on Anti-lockdown rage in the Netherlands

  1. That is where I screwed the pooch. I predicted that by April Fools Day 2020 the American people would have enough of this farce and burn the motehrfucker down if they kept it up. Boy was I wrong.

    Most Americans would happily march themselves into the gas chambers, and by a wide margin. Even more would turn in their neighbors.

  2. “unauthorized anti-lockdown gatherings and riots”

    How many authorized anti-lockdown gatherings and riots were there?
    Inquiring minds want to know.

    You’ve gone too far when you’ve pissed off the Dutch.

    izlamo delenda est …


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