Anti-Mandate Matt Strickland is running for the Virginia Senate – IOTW Report

Anti-Mandate Matt Strickland is running for the Virginia Senate

First, a little background on Matt Strickland. Owner of Virginia restaurant who defied mask order is running for state senate:

FREDERICKSBURG, Va. — A Fredericksburg restaurant owner who was at the center of a mask controversy last year for refusing to follow the Commonwealth’s COVID-19 rules says he’s running for Virginia Senate.

Matt Strickland, the owner of Gourmeltz restaurant, was sued by the state in March in an attempt to shut down the restaurant for not enforcing the state’s mask mandate on his workers and employees. At the time, Virginia was under a mandate requiring businesses to enforce mask-wearing. 

Strickland told WUSA9 in June that he found those mask and distancing orders unconstitutional. A judge ruled in favor of Gourmeltz, and his restaurant continued to run without a license for months before the Department of Health reinstated it.

Now, the military veteran says the experience compelled him to announce his run for the Virginia senate in the 27th District. MORE HERE

And now listen, in his own words: “Why I’m Running“.

h/t PHenry


23 Comments on Anti-Mandate Matt Strickland is running for the Virginia Senate

  1. I can see it now. The RED wave hits in the mid terms and starts to turn the country around and everyone is feeling good and doesn’t notice the slimy liberal are jockeying for their new position now that the complacent voters aren’t paying attention. And the same shit all over again. They need to be exterminated!

  2. Will meet up with Matt Strickland on Friday for lunch with a few other fellow travelers. He’s in a newly drawn district with no incumbent.

    Time to pounce on this. It’s an opportunity.

  3. I could definitely use a break, considering what my cotton bretheren and I have to live through. A nice hot soak in som Gain or Tide would feel so goo to the old fibers.

  4. Back channeling with Strickland now. I sent him this link praising the IOTW WARRIORS as serious conservatives. Sometimes unserious, sure. Me too.

    And now we get this guy. You are an embarrassment to yourself only and are no reflection on our community.
    Go back to mommy’s basement and eat your hot pocket idiot.

  5. When did the trolls take over the comments section here?
    I could carve better humans out of bananas than anon or Todd…something. Irrelevant humanlike possibly beings.

    What a bunch of ugly creeps you are.

    Crawl back under your rock. Ugh.

    Nobody is influenced by you. We are repulsed by you and don’t cross my path.


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