Anti-mask protesters march through Target, Walmart singing ‘We’re Not Gonna Take It’ – IOTW Report

Anti-mask protesters march through Target, Walmart singing ‘We’re Not Gonna Take It’

BPR: Several videos posted online Saturday groups of mask-free Arizonans marching through several stores in protest of the COVID-related mandate

In one video, several in one group appear to be singing, “We’re not gonna take it” — a reference to the title of a 1984 hit by the band Twisted Sister.

“This is America,” one person can be heard shouting as the few dozen protesters make their way through the store. read more

13 Comments on Anti-mask protesters march through Target, Walmart singing ‘We’re Not Gonna Take It’

  1. Remember the man standing on the display table at Costco protesting against the Nationalsozialistische Costco Arbeiterpartei?

    I actually had a run-in with one of Costco’s mask nazis a while back. I had my mask on but not covering my nose. An employee pushing a mop bucket told me that I was supposed to cover my nose. I told that this was good enough and that I wouldn’t do it. She proceeded to follow me through several aisles asking other employees to get a manager.

    When the manager approached me I informed her that she had endangered me by violating my six foot space, so she backed away. I eventually acquiesced, but I was pissed for days. I should cancel my membership, but I’ve been shopping there for 22 years and I’m too addicted.

  2. Every single time mouth breathers shout down reason with what they consider science by uttering the words, “Thuper Thpreader!”

    Has it ever, in the history of coof, resulted in a so-called super spreader?

  3. “Guzman said after she took her video a teenage girl walked up and confronted her, demanding that she explain the science to her, though she added that the girl did not elaborate.

    “It was just so selfish and I just don’t understand how these people think that — not only are they not proving a point, but they’re endangering people,” Guzman complained. “But I think they’re so selfish that it doesn’t matter to them.”’

    She probably only watches CNN and Fox News. Yep, I said it. Fox News is dead to me – has been for a while.

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