‘Anti-Soros’ Law in Hungary – IOTW Report

‘Anti-Soros’ Law in Hungary

Breitbart: The Hungarian government has passed a new regulatory law on foreign non-governmental organisations (NGOs) such as those funded by left-wing billionaire George Soros. The law means tougher rules to make the organisations more transparent.

The new legislation, passed by 130 votes to 44 in the Hungarian parliament, will see foreign-based NGOs with an annual revenue of more than 7.2 million Hungarian forints ($26,000/£20,000) be made to register as a “foreign-supported organisation.”

The Hungarian Civil Liberties Union (TASZ) has expressed outrage at the new law and has already announced plans for civil disobedience the Budapest Business Journal reports.

The spokesman for the Hungarian government Zoltan Kovacs defended the new law noting the government had gone to the European Commission for Democracy through Law, also known as the Venice Commission, who had seen no problems with it. more here

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