Anti-TikTok RESTRICT Act could actually imprison Americans for criticizing GMOs – IOTW Report

Anti-TikTok RESTRICT Act could actually imprison Americans for criticizing GMOs

(Natural News) The US government spying on US citizens took a stranglehold after the terrorist-style demolition of 3 skyscraper buildings in New York City in September, 2001. The name of the spying apparatus was ironically called the “Patriot Act,” because it was about spying on American patriots (every American who cares about the country).

Several years later, Ed Snowden revealed PRISM, the complex spying apparatus that intertwined social media, phone calls, emails, and video conferencing so that the NSA could record, track, compile, and analyze data from any and every American at will, for political gain and blackmailing leverage against political foes.

Next comes the RESTRICT Act, properly named, as it will restrict any American from ever criticizing or questioning Big Government or Big Pharma again, or face decades in prison and complete bankruptcy.

Surveillance and censorship based on so-called “election interference” means the Democrats can cheat every election from now until doomsday, without question

The Democrats questioned the election of Donald Trump for four years, saying he cheated his way into office and the Russians helped him do it. Every TV news station, newspaper, and Leftist website screamed those headlines at least a few thousand times each in just four years. “Russia collusion” was the biggest hoax of our time, but then came the gain-of-function Fauci SCAMDEMIC. If this new RESTRICT Act passes, in retrospect, nearly every Democrat politician, voter, and news journalist should be arrested, imprisoned, and fined for saying the words “Russia collusion” and “Trump-Russia collusion” a million times.

What we are seeing is a big head fake about banning TikTok, while the communist-controlled Democrats and Big Tech aim to censor every Conservative in America forever, so nobody can ever question the rigged elections or the plandemics that are coming next. more

America Mission: #RestrictAct? #RestrictThis! Call to Action Resources

America Mission empowers YOU to Stop The Restrict Act!

11 Comments on Anti-TikTok RESTRICT Act could actually imprison Americans for criticizing GMOs

  1. Cmn¢¢guy,

    Killing 3000 people in an insurance fraud.

    It’s much deeper than that…..unfortunately. In simplest terms, this was a blood sacrifice specifically designed to eventually enslave humanity in its entirety through the erosion of God-given rights.

  2. What? We should expect our elected “lawmakers” to actually read the laws before they put their name on them?

    And the audacity of people to expect these “lawmakers” to read and understand the laws before voting on them!

    Just ridiculous… All of this shit.

  3. Locally Governor Jaba’s latest gun control bill makes your shotgun an assault weapon if you remove the plug as the DNR says you can when hunting the snow geese till the end of the month.

    There’s always unintended extra ways to screw you in any of the legislation…


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