Anti-Trump liberal makes dramatic reversal after Dems’ behavior at Kavanaugh hearing – IOTW Report

Anti-Trump liberal makes dramatic reversal after Dems’ behavior at Kavanaugh hearing


BPR: A self-proclaimed anti-Trump Latino Democrat announced a dramatic reversal in light of the “Kavanaugh circus.”

Writing under a pen name, Tomas Mendoza shared in an essay in The Federalist how the “politics of power” displayed by Democrats in the recent spectacle of hearings involving Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh and Christine Blasey Ford, have opened his eyes and turned him away from the party he once endorsed.

“I am a college-educated, suburban, first-generation Latino immigrant,” he wrote.

“I voted for President Obama in 2008 and 2012. I find President Trump to lack the basic moral character that we should expect in our political leaders and did not consider, even for a moment, voting for him in 2016,” Mendoza continued. “After watching how Senate Democrats and the media handled the nomination of Brett Kavanaugh, however, I will be voting Republican in 2018 and for Trump in 2020.”  more here

13 Comments on Anti-Trump liberal makes dramatic reversal after Dems’ behavior at Kavanaugh hearing

  1. “You can fool all of the people some of the time, or some of the people all of the time, but you can’t fool all of the people all of the time.”

    -some 19th century dude.

  2. Oh, a Juan come lately?

    States he voted twice for obama, and in the same sentence declares Trump a dastardly uncouth no nothing he’d never consider worthy of the presidency.

    Glad to see you’ve come around Tomas, but your lack of critical thinking contributed to where we are today.

  3. @Engelburka Engelburka October 1, 2018 at 8:52 am

    > Glad to see you’ve come around Tomas, but your lack of critical thinking contributed to where we are today.

    No. General suffrage in a republic built that.

  4. @Czar of Defenestration October 1, 2018 at 9:27 am

    > TRY THIS ON FOR SIZE for your frustration and pessimism

    You (even joke) to hold those truths to be self-evident?
    That is so… profoundly… sad.
    But, at least you vote.

  5. A friend of mine is a Democratic committee member in my local area. Older guy, in his late 70’s, and probably fits the “Blue Dog” Democrat mold, and not the radical scourge that many are today. But he’s still a Democrat, and in a position of power.

    He told me Saturday that he’s completely disgusted by the Kavanaugh hearings, and the Trump bashing, in general. Said he’ll never vote for another Democrat again, and is quitting his position. He also told me he simply couldn’t vote for Hillary, with all the baggage she had, and voted for Trump. First Republican he’s ever voted for in a presidential election.

    Now, while I understand this is an anecdotal example, I gotta figure it’s an anecdote that’s trending. At least with level headed, SANE Democrat rank & file. Most (not all, but most) of the Democrats I’ve known in my life wanted basically the same things for America that I did. They just disagreed on how to get there. I could argue they were misinformed, but I never felt they hated America. But now it’s obvious, to even those that have been Democrats their entire lives, that their party has turned down some dark path that would destroy America, and everything they hold dear. Like the presumption of innocence, for example.

    Anyway, what I see happening is the Left, as they ALWAYS do, going too far. And it’s gonna bite ’em in the ass this November.

  6. “I voted for President Obama in 2008 and 2012. I find President Trump to lack the basic moral character that we should expect in our political leaders and did not consider, even for a moment, voting for him in 2016,”

    First, about all these “I never voted for…” : “don’t believe what you hear, and believe half of what you see.”

    Second, the fornicating Kenyan bastard, who by all accounts lived his life in a cloud of pot smoke, and wouldn’t lift a finger to clear his own name about who he was, what he had done, and who as a communist and muslim ideologue was never employed in a single real job (not even in college)…, that POS had all the “basic moral character” that this pendejo loco needed to choose him TWICE as POTUS!

  7. TO Anonymous
    Thanks for *sharing* your cynicism and fatalism…it helps everyone else see – like a brokedown lighthouse – what NOT to let yourself deteriorate into.

    (Some) people GROW; they should be congratulated and not berated/discouraged for doing so.

  8. This Walk Away movement is being totally under-estimated by the MSM — Great !
    I hope that they keep deluding themselves.

    All the historical miscarriages of justice (Spanish Inquisition, Salem Witch Trials, Dreyfus Affair, Stalin show trials) are being likened to this travesty. We The People will remember this, long after the election in 1 month.

  9. They keep releasing polls showing people believed Ford. That isn’t what I’ve overheard in public. We heard a table with 2 couples talking about this the other day and the women were the ones that were particularly harsh, mocking Ford’s baby talk voice and the other saying Kavanaugh should have just said ‘F– you all’ and flipped his table and left. I don’t believe anyone outside the ideological left saw this for anything other than it was. Worse I believe many decent people were appalled.

  10. “I voted for President Obama in 2008 and 2012. I find President Trump to lack the basic moral character that we should expect in our political leaders and did not consider, even for a moment, voting for him in 2016,”
    Fuck you, you’re still a douchebag for putting Obama in office-no forgiveness.


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