Anti-Trump Protesters Block Ambulance Rushing to Hospital – IOTW Report

Anti-Trump Protesters Block Ambulance Rushing to Hospital

Arrests made at demonstration in Connecticut after ‘critically ill’ patient prevented from passing.


Protesters decrying President Donald Trump’s two-week-old administration prevented an ambulance carrying a “critically ill” patient from getting to Yale-New Haven hospital during a protest Saturday in New Haven, Connecticut.

Roughly 200 demonstrators marched to Route 34 around 5 p.m. carrying a banner emblazoned with the words “No Ban No Wall New Haven,” they blocked traffic on the highway the ambulance was taking.

The protesters “obstructed an ambulance carrying a critically ill patient,” the state police report read, according to the New Haven Independent. “Due to this delay, ambulance personnel were required to perform an emergency medical procedure in the ambulance instead of at the hospital.”  more here

8 Comments on Anti-Trump Protesters Block Ambulance Rushing to Hospital

  1. Not that I want anyone harmed, but in New Haven, the odds are heavily against the patient being a Trump supporter.

    Liberalism is a dangerous mental disorder.

  2. People are pushing back. Check this out where a man punches a “woman” who from my view repeatedly got too close and happened to run into his fist. Also telling, the cop was not interested in pursuing him afterwards. I think he was probably rooting him on in doing what he (the cop) wants to do but is ordered not to.

  3. Soooooo we have come to the point that liberal run police departments stand by and allow sociopathic, communist, GAYstopos to block streets resulting in the deaths of innocent people, who were forced to pay protection money to the liberal run police departments, and only get a slap on the wrist by communist corrupt judges and think we have won the war against them? The devil has won my friends.

  4. A cop asked the protester to move? I would simply tell the ambulance driver to keep moving, and let Darwin’s spirit chime in.

    Actually, if it is known that Soros is funding this violence, why is he still free?

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