Antibody therapy suppresses HIV for weeks at a time – IOTW Report

Antibody therapy suppresses HIV for weeks at a time

Jamaica Observer:

PARIS, France (AFP) — Scientists in the US said Wednesday they have discovered a way to suppress HIV in patients for months at a time using a twin dose of antibodies that could revolutionise how the disease is treated.

Globally, a record number of people receive antiretroviral drugs to manage HIV, but they must follow strict medical regimes to stay healthy, typically taking pills every day for the rest of their lives.

Now researchers say a combination of two proteins known to counteract the effects of HIV were able to suppress the virus in patients for up to 30 weeks at a time, providing hope that an alternative treatment to daily drug dosing may be on the horizon.  MORE

7 Comments on Antibody therapy suppresses HIV for weeks at a time

  1. Research dollars pissed away so those that bugger away can continue their deviant behavior.
    Not just HIV but a whole host of diseases await those that choose to use the anus for a sex organ.
    I cringe when I think of just how perverted some are.

  2. Let us not forget that there are other ways to contract HIV besides deviant behavior and drug abuse. Many different types of people are victims of this disease, including children.

  3. I couldn’t care less

    In Louise Hogarth’s new documentary, “The Gift,” a soft-spoken, Midwestern college youth named Doug Hitzel tearfully recalls what drove him to become a “bug chaser” — an HIV-negative man who seeks to be infected with the virus that causes AIDS. Later, Hogarth visits a home where dozens of men are attending a “barebacking” party for unprotected sex. Interspersed through the movie are interviews with HIV-positive men who believe that prolonged use of anti-AIDS drug “cocktails” has caused them to suffer serious health problems, including heart disease.

    Link to the documentary on YouTube


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