Antifa Attack Police and Erect a New ‘Autonomous Zone’ That Looks Like a Three Year Old Built It – IOTW Report

Antifa Attack Police and Erect a New ‘Autonomous Zone’ That Looks Like a Three Year Old Built It

Red State:

Antifa is now erecting a new autonomous zone in Portland that looks like a three year old built it.

No offense to three year olds who are probably all brighter than this crew of folks behind this effort. But remember when you built a fort out of your blankets and mattresses as a kid? This has the same fine construction quality as that effort. Or less.

They were there trying to prevent people from being evicted out of a red house on Mississippi Avenue.

Earlier, police raided the house and seized guns, according to Oregon Live. Seven people were arrested.

Antifa called for reinforcements. About 200 people showed up. read more

25 Comments on Antifa Attack Police and Erect a New ‘Autonomous Zone’ That Looks Like a Three Year Old Built It

  1. If we start to se this shit happening again its a good sign. They completely disappeared for the last month or so. But if the demorat filth see whats coming and they feel trump is not going anywhere, the riots and chaos are sitting in the top drawer ready to start all over again. ive been waiting for this as a signal that internally they are worried. Bring on the riots you flea bags…

  2. Brad, you’re right, but a better line is from “Blazing Saddles” when there was a reference made to “Kansas City Faggots”. I can picture the scene but I can’t think of the actor. It was funny. I bet you’ve seen it.

  3. The bar owner in Staten Island tried to do the same thing and ask the patrons for a donation for the drink served…

    So sheriffs arrested him.

    That is Statist Benito Cuomo for ya.

  4. It was Slim Pickens who uttered those immortal lines as Taggart saying that to Harvey Korman as Hedley Lamar. The unedited version of Blazing Saddles was on one of the cable channels the other day so I watched it again. It’s still one of Mel Brooks funniest movies ever along with Young Frankenstein.

  5. Joe 6, Slim Pickens. True story. Got invited to a high dollar Pheasant Club down on the Delta once. Long story short we visit their restaurant and I swear, Slim Pickens is frying eggs behind the counter. Turned out to be his brother, Easy Pickens. Which I replied, I hope to God you two don’t have a sister. Nobody laughed.

  6. @Joe6pak – watching a whole older movie on the net? Too much copyright bullshit.

    I knew what ya meant though…

    But maybe you are gonna have to rely on the memory movie bank for the whole thing?

  7. Better pay attention to this and how the operation was conducted.

    Dismissing their intelligence, organization, and sophistication of the operation is a mistake, that’s how you lose a war.

    How many of you (or us) could get into a conflict and call up a few hundred reinforcements when you start losing to drive your enemy away?

    The military can do it, Antifa can do it, can you do it? How much reliable support can you call on in a tight situation?

  8. This is whut happens when ya turn the chimps loose!

    Brad – TWTs – that’s some high precision stuff! Out here at NASA Lewis (now Glenn) it took them upwards of a year to get them tuned and calibrated foe service.

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