Antifa Attacks Journalists Covering Conservative Conference – IOTW Report

Antifa Attacks Journalists Covering Conservative Conference

Tatum Report-

When the Colorado Christian University Centennial Institute’s Western Conservative Summit came to Denver this weekend, so did antifa. Not that the media noticed.

Westword — an alternative paper which bills itself as “[t]he independent voice of Denver since 1977” — reported on the counter-protest, the “Western BLM-Antifa Summit,” which promised “two days of fiercely jubilant opposition to the Western Conservative Summit!”

“We’ll be picketing outside the Hyatt, making noise, giving speeches, yelling at Western Conservative Summit attendees and speakers, and informing passersby of their vile reactionary politics,” Denver Communists member James Radek told Westword. more

13 Comments on Antifa Attacks Journalists Covering Conservative Conference

  1. As is usual these days confrences are sometimes held in cities with liberal governments which means the police are standing down or outright hostile.
    There are organizations out there that provide security from ANTIFA etc free of charge, groups that hold rallies should take full advantage. These punks are only bold when they grossly outnumber their victims.


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