Antifa Attempts to Set Up “Autonomous Zone” in Seattle – IOTW Report

Antifa Attempts to Set Up “Autonomous Zone” in Seattle

Yes, “Attempts.” Because the dum-dums in the autonomous zone are already fighting the homeless and each other.


It looks like once again the crazies among us will be giving communism yet another try – this time in Seattle.

According to

Protesters in Seattle, Washington declared a region that includes the East Precinct as the “Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone” after the Seattle Police Department and the National Guard pulled out of the region. The Precinct building appears empty, Capitol Hill Seattle Blog reported, and now the six-block region has been declared “autonomous” with signs on barricades the read: “You are now leaving the USA.” This isn’t a legal region or recognized by any government. It’s an unofficial name given by protesters who have vowed to keep the region peaceful.

While antifa opposes borders in every other context – they have attempted to legitimize their own territory with them.

They’ve also released a map of their claimed territory, which you’ll notice hilariously describes a nearby Safeway supermarket as a “regime occupied Safeway.” Admittedly when I first saw the map online I thought it was a parody of a Syrian civil war map, not something Antifa had come up with unironically.

They’ve even managed to get their own Wikipedia page already, claiming that the new society boosts 200 citizens and a whopping 0.014 square miles of territory. more here

51 Comments on Antifa Attempts to Set Up “Autonomous Zone” in Seattle

  1. I read this headline from our local KOMOtv website: “Deaf demonstrators say they face dangers at protests.“ Maybe go home when it gets dark and the crazies hit the streets.

  2. *** URGENT! ***

    Calling all Seattle Democrats!

    This is YOUR town. Don’t let it be destroyed by you own misbehaving kids!

    Restore law and order in Seattle now.

    Don’t let your town be destroyed!

    (Will that work? Doubt it, but, hey, some of them are waking up. All is not lost… YET.)

  3. So, no welfare, no other State or Federal benefits. No use of US cellular networks, no wi-fi, no health care, no bank accounts, no currency. No police, no military, no food, liquor, or other stores. No postal services, tv, radio, or ham. So basically, you’re fucked.

  4. After weeks of Hiatus
    The Ghetto Birds are flying again
    Got to keep the whap whap whap peace
    But never orbit over over over the manicured streets
    The noise complaints are acted upon there

    The noise complaints and complaintents over here, get acted upon ‘differently’

  5. When you move beyond nomadic terrorism to taking and defending territory, it’s a whole new ballgame. Ask ISIS about it. Apparently, the homeless have already eaten up all the antifa food , and the Landsers are begging for resupply.

    These fools have set up massive concrete barriers at their borders to keep the enemy out. Leaving aside the question of how they built their border walls, what happens if the resupply attempts for Stolengrad are interdicted?

  6. They have already sent out urgent tweets that the homeless population has eaten all their food!! HaHaHa and they are asking that people drop off food to include “vegetarian meat substitute”! I would fry up a bunch of bacon and leave it in piles all around the perimeter. At least the homeless would enjoy it.

  7. From:____________ Police, Sheriff Dept., EMS, and Fire.
    To: Whom it may concern.

    To meet new budget requirements, we will be decreasing our service area.
    If you feel we have violated your rights, Please, Post your address here.
    We will no longer violate your personal space with our patrols or services.

    Thank You for your time on this matter.

    ____________ Police, Sheriff Dept., EMS, and Fire.

  8. What’s next? I’m betting that young black colored people and white colored people are going to get together to take this to the next level when they don’t get their way. Can another Symbionese Liberation Army be too far in our future? There is going to be plenty of bloodshed before this settles down.

  9. Seattle, Washington state in general, should check their Penal Codes. There’s a good chance you will find one that read something to the effect that if the people that are hired to protect you cannot put down a civil disturbance/riot, you have the right and authority to do so.

  10. I know the area very well it a mix of business,condo’s and single family homes,the only way to cut the water with out impacting everyone is to send in a water dept. worker and put a padlock on the meter,good luck with that alot of them have bolt cutters for stealing bikes ask me how I know.
    The other thing is that many of the neighbors are helping them, idiots that they are.
    The mayor has sent in a large amount or port-a-potties and who knows what else.
    As far as cutting off cell service I don’t know how they can do that in the location with out hurting the thousands of people that live and work in the area it is a high density neighbor hood.

  11. I just heard they delivered porta potties for them. If these tweets show the average mentality of the occupiers just wall it up and keep them there permanently. If it is no longer part of the USA they don’t need to vote either.

  12. Out of food already, this is going to be something epic like the Donner pass. But since they have all the ways in and out blocked, maybe they’ll start eating all the roaches first.

  13. Geoff C. The Saltine

    Not cell service, power. I-phones run on a battery that occasionally needs to be recharged. Cell phones will be dead in 24hours.
    They just issued a list of demands.

  14. I do not know how the city gets out of this, our leaders are all down with the cause.They have stopped the use of tear gas and are trying to stop the use of pepper spray,pepper balls and flash bangs.
    Next they will want the cops guns.
    The city will cave to their demands.
    Just so you know that police building has been in use for 100 years and they really want to burn it down,and all it will take is one loony a ahole to do it,he or she has not joined the crowd, yet.

  15. Brad yep, but how to get a lineman in to disconnect power unless the building has a smart meter and they have can do it remotely.
    Other business are helping them also.
    You have no idea how screwed up this city has become in just the last 5 years its really a damn shame.

  16. From:
    The police Chiefs Desk of, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Minneapolis, Chicago, Portland.
    As requested to cut our budgets, ALL Police officers will be granted a 30 day furlough without pay.

    John Legend, Megan Rapinoe, Lizzo, The Weeknd, Jane Fonda and Natalie Portman. Your security details will be required to surrender all weapons within 24 hours.

  17. Geoff C. The Saltine

    I don’t think it would require actually going in the zone. I think they could probably manage it be taking out some equipment outside the zone. They will probably cut some innocents power too. But a small price to pay.
    Eventually citizens will need to respond. It’s the only thing that will make this crap stop.
    I hope you and AA are a good distance away from this.

  18. ” . . . but how to get a lineman in to disconnect power unless the building has a smart meter and they have can do it remotely.”
    “You have no idea how. . .”

    You have little idea what you are giving up. . .

    Remember Copper Cable Clauses?

    Remote Disconnect with NO APPEAL.

    Hmmmm. . .

    That should work out nicely, for someone(s).
    Right Mitt Romneys?

  19. You can’t really riot and operate for more than a couple hours without water. They can piss in each others faces to wash out the tear gas.
    Seattle tried to ban tear gas but 2 days ago the cops used it due to some loophole. (Don’t know what)

    Tear gas, thirst, and unflushed toilets in Seattle appeal to my sense warped of humour.

    Have fun watching everyone and keep yourselves armed and safe!

  20. Kcir

    You’re missing my point, or, I didn’t explain the “Battle Field” as I understand it well.
    You watch, the Mayors office will be sending in Vegan catered meals for them. And bottled water.
    Anybody can blow up a transformer.

  21. If they met their demands there would just be another list of demands to come, that’s why you don’t negotiate with people like this.
    This could be a teachable moment for Seattle and left?

  22. Sounds like it’s fair game to attack and conquer by any force that so desires.

    What’s to stop any group of armed men and women from doing just that to them and putting up their flag?

    We’ve been playing WAAAY too nice.

  23. Didn’t any of these brilliant idiots look up the term ‘Autonomous‘? Self-governing, caring for yourself.

    Chalk up another failure to think ahead and getting what you wished for.

    I hope no one is idiot enough to bring them food! These are the people that want to burn everything down.

    Talk about IDIOCRACY! The movie has proven to be accurate in predicting!

  24. They were going to put their autonomous zone in an auto zone, but they burned it down.
    How close to Zimbabwe are we going to get before leadership in this country gets off their collective asses and turns on some “tough love”?
    Cops kneeling to hoodlums, for fucks sake!
    Someone ought to be kicking them in the balls from behind for that little stunt.

  25. Bad_Brad,

    I get it. Cutting hydro is THE most effective. But, it is very hard on the elderly, hospitals, and people who live in condos where windows do not open.

    I am a bit of a softie, I know.

    I was working outside in the heat (89F) today on a roof with the sun on my ass. Staying hydrated is my #1 priority. My brain goes to shit if I don’t remember to drink a lot of water. That is why I think this way.

    My cell phone on the other hand keeps a charge for hours.

    My copper buddy tells me that intercepts and smart phone tower pings are the 2nd most effective way to build cases against suspects, the best being video prima facie evidence. When combined the texts (intent), the gps, & the acts combined the little fuckers are usually forced to plead out.

    The again, with modern Seattle prosecutors I bet everyone gets away with looting.

    Get to the range Brad and fire a few .45 rounds for me friend.

  26. I’m with Bad Brad, cut the power, and stop all food from getting into the building. Bring in the Navy Seals to disarm and secure the building. If Antifa lives are lost, all the better, less terrorists to prosecute. I’m all in for some military action, bring them to their knees and make them cry for mommy.


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