Antifa/BLM are now flinging their own poop – IOTW Report

Antifa/BLM are now flinging their own poop


Portland’s Rioters Weaponize Waste as the Violence Keeps Escalating.

PJM: Portland’s rolling riot took several disturbing new turns Friday night.

That city, run by Democrats, is besieged by violent rioters night after night and has been for more than 80 days. As the police attempt to de-escalate the situation, the rioters double down and re-escalate. Another word for “de-escalation,” based on Portland’s experience, might be “emboldening.”

On Friday night, the Daily Wire reports hundreds of the rioters stormed residential neighborhoods and threatened the residents.

Hundreds of far-left activists stormed a residential neighborhood in Portland, Oregon on Friday night as they shined lights into people’s home and screamed, “out of your house, into the streets!”

Videographer BG On the Scene captured numerous videos of the night’s action and identified those who were marching as Black Lives Matter protesters.

Andy Ngo identified antifa in the crowd too. Residents of the neighborhood must have been surprised when the lights and shouts woke them up since Democrat Rep. Jerry Nadler assured America that the antifa-led violence in Portland is mythical. Who are you gonna believe, Portland, Democrat Jerry Nadler or your lyin’ eyes? more

30 Comments on Antifa/BLM are now flinging their own poop

  1. This calls for a Night Shift Moment…

    “Wait a minute! Why don’t they just mix the mayonnaise with the tuna in the can”
    “HOLD THE PHONE! Why don’t they just FEED the tuna fish mayonnaise!”

    “Call Starkist!”

    “HOLD THE PHONE! Why don’t they just FEED them balloons!”

    “Call BLM!”

  2. How do do you manage to shit into a balloon without getting it all over yourself. Do they use a poop knife to ladle it in? These are truly a bunch of sick bastards. I went to a riot in Portland and a poop balloon fight broke out. Wouldn’t some with diarrhea have an easier time of filling a poop balloon than someone who drops a huge log?

  3. As a public service to iOTW, I researched how you can fill a balloon with feces. The key component is using a canning funnel.

    As demonstrated in this video – well not exactly, but close enough.

    How you get it down to the bottom of the balloon is beyond me, but it must be a dirty job. Maybe Mike Rowe knows.

    Edit: I just looked at the sausage maker. That makes more sense than a canning funnel. Who knows.

  4. Let’s go back in time

    When I posted regarding the inability of those who have no first hand knowledge just how filthy and disgusting progressives are I received a fair degree of push back. Shit smearing and piss soaking of the public areas is not something they would recognize as beneath human dignity, it is one of their sexual fetishes to shit and piss all over and then roll around in it, smear it all over each other and even ingest shit and piss.

    The Overton Window has moved enough to the left that the entire progressive movement no longer feels any shame regarding this subhuman behavior. A few years back I posted a link to one of the Seattle or Portland newspapers they publish online, I believe it was The Stranger out of Seattle, wherein they were making the case that this practice should be normalized and become mainstream. No fucking thank you, says I.

    I can’t find that link, but here are a couple from Ann that also discuss this phenomenon wherein the bastards consider the above as taking sexuality to the next level.

    So, perhaps to borrow the words of Tippy Toes, perhaps this is not being done out of aggression, perhaps they are doing this out of love. They are making a pass at the targets of their shit bombs. Their flirting is just being misinterpreted by people who have not yet evolved and are stuck in the past.

    Hell, I don’t know. I do know that the way you and I consider shit smearing, piss soaking, used tampons and even vomit are not viewed the same way by progs.

  5. They aren’t even part of the human race, let alone Americans. They richly deserve “A whiff of grapeshot.” If we’re ever to see America and domestic tranquility ever again those animals must be put down.

  6. @ Kevin R. AUGUST 23, 2020 AT 11:41 AM

    “They aren’t even part of the human race, let alone Americans.”

    Created in the image of God, but have taken on themselves to leave that behind and deliberately and systematically lower themselves to the point that the can no longer be recognized as human.

    Filled with self hatred and consumed by envy they engage in deliberate, willful, gratuitous, systematic destruction of anything and everything they can. They are enemies of The Good, in their world 2+2 does not necessarily equal 4, good and bad are only social constructs and on and so on.

    It is an attack on anyone they envy and if you really pay close attention what they are actually attacking it is God.

  7. All monkeys fling their poo. The proggy, pussy villagers were too scared to get out their pitchforks and make them “scat” so they keep getting what they voted for. SHIT.

  8. These savage imbeciles are at war with the United States and should be engaged appropriately. The minute the first projectile is launched the crowd should be machine gunned by the U.S. Army until every member of their violent terrorist group is dead. You’d only have to do it once.

  9. Chimp Out
    Chimp Out refers to the action of someone or somthing(chimpanzee) going completly ape shit on anyone who tries to calm it down. The person or thing completly looses his or her cool for an extended period of time. In extreme cases resulting in police “busting a cap in its ass”.

  10. Clown World Chronicles: What Is A ‘Chimpout’?

    Primatologists have long been aware of the propensity of chimpanzees and monkeys to become over-excited. Because primates are highly social animals, we are susceptible to emotional influence from others of our kind. When one of us feels an emotion, it’s common for others nearby to come to feel it as well. This is true of joy, of anxiety, of sociability – and of rage.

    When enough mutual excitement goes through a group of primates, they can appear to lose their minds completely. Certain monkey troops, upon encountering human outsiders, will shriek loudly, retreat to the treetops, and begin to fling their feces at the intruders. Chimpanzee troops can also become extremely aggressive quickly when meeting others.

  11. These psychotic niggers and their fat, stinky mudshark support staff wouldn’t last ten minutes in my neighborhood before they suffered acute lead poisoning. These BLM/AntiFa cunts need to die in the worst fucking way.

  12. The law enforcement needs large septic tanker trucks mounted with high-pressure water cannons. Each Tanker should then be filled with “Lysol POWER toilet bowl cleaner.” Plus the blue dye will make these pantifa turds easier to identify for arrest afterward.

  13. Get a long range hose attachment and sprinklers facing the street. Drench them. No one (except Navy SEALs) likes getting that wet.

    Be armed to the teeth and in cover. Have neighbors willing to do the same. Make it clear, this is for keeps.

    If one of them tries to hurl something, you can make the case you thought it was an incendiary device when you shoot them.

  14. Come on Bobby! Put the poop in your mouth,squish it up and spit it in the little balloon hole like your blowing it up! And when you’re finished with that bucket we got ten more!

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