Antifa continues to help the Dems destroy… The Dems – IOTW Report

Antifa continues to help the Dems destroy… The Dems

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25 Comments on Antifa continues to help the Dems destroy… The Dems

  1. …….gee, that’s a tough one…..

    We used to just call people who misspelled graffiti tags…. ‘fags’.

    Let’s roll with that. “Dude sprayed a fag all over the subway cah”.

  2. Sidebar:

    Does anybody know what antifah wants politically? They hate Trump, they hate Biden….who the fudge do they want?

    Or am I way off base and these kids want something completely different….like Barney the Dinosaur or something.

  3. Yup. Dykes are lard asses….lot of canvas space for tat guys with long arms.

    Now, about these antifah turds. The fudge are they goin’ nuts for? I thought Orange Man was bad. They got Herbert from Family Guy, now what do they want?

  4. What does Antifa want?….It’s clear. It’s what we all want…..Flo from Progressive to dance provacilivly and give us good insurance rates and an inner thigh rub….

  5. My guess–

    Antifa wants to be the top dog. They figure the dems rule over the republicans now they want to rule over the dems. Why NOT?? They have been led to believe the dems will allow them to do as they please.

    Just my 2ยข worth.

  6. “Antifa simply wants to fuck things up.”

    I can respect that.

    Or at least understand it. I get it now. There was no possible electoral outcome that would have prevented them from goin’ bat sh!t crazy.

    I suspected a while back they were gonna’ use the Yurrupeon protest model and use ANY noteworthy date on the calendar to barf all over town.

    Carry on you crazy kidz.

  7. Eventually, between 16 and 24 of them will catch fatal bullets from a MAGA hat wearing individual that has some terminal disease that the FBI or CIA have recruited on a mission to enrage really shitty parents. Hopefully they can remember the names of their kids.

  8. @ Christ Awesometon JANUARY 21, 2021 AT 10:32 PM

    I can help yaโ€™ out there. They want attention. You show me a single one of these worthless pieces of shit who has not sought attention for doing something weird that takes no talent, as opposed to doing something creative or constructive, all throughout their miserable pathetic existence and I will reciprocate by showing a unicorn. It just ainโ€™t gonna happen.

    The fucking worthless bastards want attention, but they, being worthless pieces of shit are by definition too worthless to put any effort into doing something of value and developing the skills to do it well enough to gain recognition from others for that.

  9. What does anti-fag want? “Fweedom” but they’ll settle for the destruction of the United States. They need to be exterminated.

    If you really want to know ask Soros and the faggot Kenyan, they’re working for them.


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