Antifa: History and Tactics | Andy Ngo – IOTW Report

Antifa: History and Tactics | Andy Ngo

Andy Ngo Author, Unmasked: Inside Antifa’s Radical Plan to Destroy Democracy This speech was given at a Hillsdale College National Leadership Seminar in Franklin, TN.

6 Comments on Antifa: History and Tactics | Andy Ngo

  1. I can’t watch a 53 min. video – not that I won’t – I CAN’T.
    On my DSL it would take about 5 hours.

    So, did Mr. Ngo mention that ANTIFA was a Stalin organization sent into Berlin along with the Red Army to assassinate “moderates” and less enthusiastic communists and socialists?
    (see Werth)

    ANTIFA’s mission hasn’t changed.

    izlamo delenda est …


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