Antifa Insurrectionist Daniel Baker Arrested for Plotting to Murder Trump Supporters – IOTW Report

Antifa Insurrectionist Daniel Baker Arrested for Plotting to Murder Trump Supporters

Nowhere in the legacy media are you seeing these reports. Soros is their paymaster. It’s always Soros.

7 Comments on Antifa Insurrectionist Daniel Baker Arrested for Plotting to Murder Trump Supporters

  1. I told people who were claiming Trump wanted violence at the Capitol Bldg that antifa and blm were there.
    They called me all kinds of nasty names. That was the last straw and I deactivated fb. Realized I never really liked them that well anyway.

    The pravda media won’t mention this. Biden’s sheeple will keep wandering around aimlessly thinking they’re well informed.
    They certainly won’t mention he who must be obeyed.

  2. If I ever hear a news report that someone made george soros’s head flash into a pail red mist with a large caliber round from a great distance…I would be PARTY TIME!!! First round is on me!


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