Diogenes’ Middle Finger
ANTIFA Is Gettin’ Their Inner Chuck Norris On Because Y’all Just Way Too Violent.
A group of ANTIFA morans in Chicago who call themselves “Haymaker Collective”, who vowed to combat an ‘increasingly violent’ Right-wing Trump America, recently emerged from their parents basements after crowdfunding a startup for a “self-defense” training gym.
The Indiegogo fundraiser asked for donations totaling $50,000, but sadly fell short by only $44,000 bucks. Since they didn’t hit anywhere near their goal (mainly because anti-fascist fascist protesting doesn’t pay very well) the group of mostly pasty white millennial would-be-ninja gym members are regulated to training on the spacious lawn behind the Chicago’s Museum’s Adler Planetarium.
Seriously, they’re communists – not fascists. You keep sending this to the wrong zip code.
Words have meanings attached to them.
I better be more careful, they might swing their murse at me.
I carry a murse too, men call it a holster.
@AC, I prefer to call them fagscists. And in our post-modernist era, those clowns on the left are objectively pro-ruling class. They beg to be told what to do from on high in every action they do.
A Gender Transitional Person gotsta know it’s limitations.
Lesson 1. How to take a punch without crying.
“to combat an ‘increasingly violent’ Right-wing Trump America”
In other words, the people we’ve been attacking are starting to fight back. How unfair!
Who needs muscles when you have bike locks????
Chief Nerd might wanna remove his gardening hat before he gets his ground ‘n pound on.
I’ve seen more threats at Curves.
These young hunks are so fierce!
I hope nobody gets their man-buns in a twist.
Haymaker Chai !!! LOL- Biff and Skippy are looking Downright Spry ! Ready for their Train Ramming Formation… Wonder Twin Powers Unite ! POW POW !!!
Reminds me of the hilarious ISIS training video
They look like the same moves.
Or the Napoleon Dynamite dance sequence
Bingo! +100
trying to make up for 2 decades of boys not settling beefs after school. after the first punch to the face, these pussies will fold. nothing teaches a boy to fight like fighting. they’ll never get it.
Always keep in mind that these boys use “product” in their hair. …and see nothing wrong with that.
(I tend to see this generation of boys through the Justin Bieber haircut worldview. I knew it would lead to this.)
Within a Month, They’ll Have Conquered That Mound They’re Rolling Around on !
There’s a few in that video that haven’t washed their hair in a while.
I bet their workout routines fizzle out in four or five weeks.
four or five weeks? try four or five days…
BB — haha! Yeah, I imagine so. But then that’s also the Justin Bieber worldview. And don’t forget the girl’s skinny jeans look. What is it that made the boys want to dress like their sisters, anyway?
Dweeby little girly boys just trying to earn their participation trophies.
#SwoleLeft must have gotten sand kicked in its face…
Haymaker Collective, meet Coal Miners Union local 167. In terms of a fight, the odds start at 250:1 against.
You know I’m a gym rat so I see these athletic kids who play sports,totally have their shit together. (Actually last years crop is home from college, that was an interesting discussion you should hear). Where was I, oh yea, occasionally one of these little weirdos show’s up in the gym wearing their sprayed on jeans. We actually try and encourage them into the gym routine. It’s actually worked a couple times. But for the most part these are displaced lonely kids that find friends and companionship in Antifa and groups like it regardless of what their political views might grow to be.
Their only strategy is to fight like baboons and isolate a lone victim and rat pack them.
That’s when you could get hurt as they will panic and run at the sight of a firearm and you might get dust in your eye from their frantic attempts to get traction in fashionable shoes.
Neal & Bob Manlove Tranny Fight Club.
If I had a daughter that weak I’d kick her ass.
Hahaha hahaha come to Boston with those silly slap hands