Antifa militants smash up original Starbucks during anti-Biden protest – IOTW Report

Antifa militants smash up original Starbucks during anti-Biden protest

WND: (NEW YORK POST) – They really don’t want Joe. Antifa militants chanted “f—k” President Biden during a rampage through Seattle after the inauguration — and smashed up the historic site of the very first Starbucks. more

9 Comments on Antifa militants smash up original Starbucks during anti-Biden protest

  1. Well, we all may detest SBux, but it’s original location is in the Pike Place Market, an historic market that is world-renowned and a true working market for Seattle’s denizens. I love the market and it is an especially important part of Seattle because so many of the old landmarks have been replaced with high-rise steel and glass.

    If those ridiculous people really got a fire started or something, it would be a colossal loss to the city and all of us who cherish our market. I still don’t know why there wasn’t an armed-to-the-teeth response from Portlanders when antifa destroyed that beautiful elk bronze and the water fountain surrounding it. Stupid, mindless destruction.

  2. I like Starbucks product. Their Pikes Place is my personal favorite grind. Their stores seem fairly non political. Never seen a BLM or ANTIFA poster in their stores. There’s no “no guns” sign of their windows so I don’t have an issue there. I don’t go where my pistol isn’t welcome. Residence of Seattle and Portland need to ask for Gods help and then go shoot these bastards in the face. That will fix this problem.

  3. I truly don’t get any of it. Is it Bernie Boy they want in the White House?!? Whatever! I’ve had enough of this distruction to last decades. I can’t wait until they are all in their 50’s/60’s and wondering what the F they did because they will be speaking Chinese if the left has their way!

    God Bless us all!


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