Antifa Rioter Tries to Weasel Out of Andy Ngo Lawsuit – IOTW Report

Antifa Rioter Tries to Weasel Out of Andy Ngo Lawsuit

PJM: On June 29, 2019, Portland antifa rioters physically assaulted Andy Ngo, editor-at-large at The Post Millennial, who was reporting on the riot at the time. After police apparently failed to investigate the assault, Ngo took matters into his own hands in June, filing a lawsuit against Rose City Antifa and members of the mob who allegedly beat up Ngo. Benjamin Bolen, the antifa rioter whom Ngo blamed for one of the assaults, attempted to weasel out of the lawsuit via an Anti-SLAPP motion. Multnomah County Judge Kathleen Dailey rightly refused this move.

“This is finally a step in the right direction for the rule of law in Portland where the police, district attorneys office, and local politicians have totally failed to bring justice to the perpetrators of this heinous act,” Harmeet Dhillon, CEO of the Center for American Liberty and a lawyer representing Ngo, said in a statement Tuesday. “We brought this lawsuit as a last resort in the face of their unwillingness to enforce the law. As we have watched America’s greatest cities burn live on television at the hands of Antifa terrorists, we know they were emboldened by the inaction in Portland.”

Ngo sued Rose City Antifa, Bolen, Corbyn (Katherine) Belyea, Joseph Christian Evans, John Hacker, Madison Lee Allen, and fifty other antifa rioters. He alleged that Bolen punched him in the abdomen on May 1, 2019. According to the lawsuit, John Hacker threw an unknown liquid on Ngo’s head while the journalist was at his local gym. read more

8 Comments on Antifa Rioter Tries to Weasel Out of Andy Ngo Lawsuit

  1. In the military, we learned to punish miscreants in two ways: their time and their wallets.
    GO ANDY!! Sue the bitches and bastards down to their panties and socks. And then have them thrown in jail for a spell. In solitary.

  2. Lawsuits are the only we’ll see anything resembling justice in these type of assault by leftist cases.

    And even that’s a shaky thing in most cases., but better than nothing.

    Sue the Left and the Leftists every time you get a legitimate chance to do so, a shame there isn’t a fund being started to do this.

  3. antifa pussies. in court and not covered in black ski gear. Bingo, Mr Ngo has got them, win or lose, he will exposed them. If the others are smart they will stay out of it , as a poor anarchist won’t fly when one is the 1%.

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