Antifa rioters try to burn down Portland police building over Rittenhouse acquittal – IOTW Report

Antifa rioters try to burn down Portland police building over Rittenhouse acquittal


A riot was declared Friday night in downtown Portland, Oregon, when an Antifa group began to breach the gate into the Multnomah County Detention Center, following the not guilty verdict in the high-profile Kyle Rittenhouse case.

18-year-old Kyle Rittenhouse was acquitted on all charges Friday, found by the jury having acted in self-defense when he shot three Black Lives Matter rioters, killing two and injuring the third, during the August 2020 riots that erupted in Kenosha, Wisconsin, over the police shooting and wounding of Jacob Blake. more

24 Comments on Antifa rioters try to burn down Portland police building over Rittenhouse acquittal

  1. “Man, one 17 year old kills two assholes and maimed one. Just imagine what 7 or 8 vets with combat experience could do.”…

    ^^^^you claiming that one for yourself, Brad? It’s about a year old and traveled around a few thousand websites.

  2. Who raises these people?? Ok, I can’t blame the parents because these individuals are adults, I get it but they are lacking any substance in their lives. I thought Portland, OR was already a ghost town. Didn’t’ realize they actually thought they could save it with these pathetic people around who only want to destroy everything or who are being paid by the evil ones who want to control America.

    Say your prayers everyday!!

    God Bless us all!

  3. Why aren’t the Portland pigs being shot and killed ?
    If they were MAGA trumpists it would be happening.
    It’s only because they are SMELLOCRATS
    that is not happening.

    These cxkrz are criminals who will never be prosecuted
    because they are smellocrats

    If they were trumpists there would milliard
    congressional ivestigations to try to find a crime.

  4. This is what an actual “insurrection “ looks like.
    And “ Portland Police appeared to retreat as violent Antifa rioters in black bloc advanced, shouting threats: “F*ck you! Move back, motherf*ckers! You f*cking cowards!”

    The rioters get it. As long as the cops retreat, the mob will advance. The cops ARE cowards.

  5. Doesn’t matter what the court says, it’s what the communist mob says apparently. I’m pretty sure most of these thugs are the sons and daughters of brainwashed University parents, plus a fair share of homeless thugs and thieves mixed in.

  6. They don’t care about the verdict they just want to burn loot and murder. Last night they were antifa tomorrow they will be BLM. Totally interchangeable. Why don’t they go to Chicago and riot there if they really cared.

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