Antifa sets up recruitment shop at University of Florida – IOTW Report

Antifa sets up recruitment shop at University of Florida

Campus Reform:

An Antifa group showed up on the campus of the University of Florida Tuesday in an effort to recruit new members. 

The Anti-fascists of Gainesville invited college students to a recruitment fair for far-left radical groups, hosted by the Civic Media Center, which is not affiliated with UF and whose “mission is to provide community access to information and points of view that are under-reported or distorted in mainstream media.” The center’s website says it specifically works with “progressive” groups to achieve its mission. 

One of the flyers Campus Reform obtained at the event reads, “police are part of the problem,” saying that they kill thousands of people per year, while they tear families apart and form “racist militias.” The same flyer claims that “the U.S. government is already implementing the fascists’ agenda more effectively than a group like the KKK ever could.” A website URL for Crimethink appears at the bottom of the paper. 

“Crimethink is everything that evades control: the daydream in the classroom, the renegade breaking ranks, the spray-painted walls that continue to speak even under martial law,” its website says, adding, “it is the spirit of rebellion without which freedom is literally unthinkable.” read more

14 Comments on Antifa sets up recruitment shop at University of Florida

  1. Antifa should be declared to be a terrorist organization and banned from openly recruiting on any public property.

    The same way military recruiters, who are not terrorists, are often banned from recruiting on campuses and other public places.

  2. Go visit their booth, they are offering a free set of brass knuckles and a “Pigs, fry em up like bacon” T-shirt for anyone that signs their petition to outlaw free speech on campus.

    Here is where I fell off my chair,” the renegade breaking ranks”, please, they are no renegades, they are sheep. Being a slave to groupthink, parroting the same tired talking points from your professors, wrapping yourself in the warm of consensus, that isn’t a renegade, that is a lemming. Incapable of having an original thought, of challenging indoctrination or even venturing out of their intellectual safe space, they are cowards and are hamstringing any effort to exist in the real world outside of academia.

  3. IF i could live my life over i would become a lawyer and sue every leftist group and every leftist that opened their mouth.

    Tell the U of F admin that you don’t “feel safe” with antifa on campus, and then when those jackasses that run the university don’t do anything about it, sue the hell out of all of them. It wouldn’t be hard to find a shitload of things the administrators have already shut down because students didn’t “feel safe”.
    So they set the standard, not if they don’t live with it, take all their money.

  4. Did you watch the video of antifa that attacked ICE (in Portland I think)? Little punk was throwing the f word out and calling ICE fascist and traitors. Man I wished they’d bashed his head in.

  5. Set up a large screen video projection behind them, showing all the videos of their behavior and the consequences.
    Oh, yes, and be sure to have LOTS of “back up” and protection.


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