Antifa Sleeper Cell Terrorist Arrested in Pinellas County, Florida, with Homemade Bombs and Weapons on January 6th – IOTW Report

Antifa Sleeper Cell Terrorist Arrested in Pinellas County, Florida, with Homemade Bombs and Weapons on January 6th

CTH: A 22-year-old man identified as a member of Antifa was arrested in Pinellas County, Florida, after he was caught with an explosive device near the location of a protest at the Pinellas County courthouse.   Something spooked the suspect who was caught running from the scene according to the sheriff’s office.

The local media is trying to avoid noting that Garrett James Smith previously travelled to Portland, Oregon, for training on how to function as what authorities describe as a “sleeper cell.”

Unfortunately, the media reports show “federal agents” quickly responded to the arrest and took over the investigation.  We all know what that means. more

10 Comments on Antifa Sleeper Cell Terrorist Arrested in Pinellas County, Florida, with Homemade Bombs and Weapons on January 6th

  1. You can tell the weirdo is deranged. He’s homely, can’t identify which a-z gender he is, his daddy is probably in prison, and he had zilch home training. I bet if you interviewed most of his type, their story would be all the same. I’ll send him a bar of soap – a bar of Lava.

  2. Well, at least some media is now actually mentioning that he is antifa. The first account I read about him the article said authorities were unsure of any particular affiliation to anything. And that was with an accompanying picture of the guy’s “Direct Action Checklist”!

    ALL legacy media are LIARS!

  3. “Today, the FBI stopped yet another ‘terrorist’ attack that we actually planned and pretended to carry out using some moron patsy we egged on.”

    – Some FBI Tool Spokesthing


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