Antifa violence splits left as another major protest looms at Berkeley – IOTW Report

Antifa violence splits left as another major protest looms at Berkeley

The black-clad activists have driven a wedge between Democrats such as House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi who condemned antifa by name in the wake of a violent protest last month in Berkeley, and leftists who have rushed to the defense of the self-styled “anti-fascists.”


19 Comments on Antifa violence splits left as another major protest looms at Berkeley

  1. I will believe there is a split on the Left concerning aintifa when those leftists denouncing aintifa stand onstage in solidarity with the targets of aintifa. Otherwise, it is nothing more than politically convenient lip service to free speech.

  2. I support everyone who actually puts their shoes on and gets off the couch, to do something, anything, that will actually make a difference. When everybody that actually shows up all rally to one banner, I don’t even have to read the manifestos.

  3. “Hosting the Thursday protest is Refuse Fascism, a sponsored project of the Alliance for Global Justice, which acts as a conduit to fund left-wing organizations.

    among the 10 principles guiding the alliance is that ‘we don’t judge the tactics used by targets of oppression.'”

    That chirrens, is why Conservatives™, especially the even more conservative Constitutional Conservatives™, will always win. In the long run. If they just wait long enough. And keep their membership dues current. Because That’s Not Who They Are™,

  4. will anyone be surprised when some enterprising youths don black clothing and masks, take up weapons during a antifa riot and start looting with total disregard ?

    oh, it’s already happening ?

    when will the police start policing these events ?

    at some point it becomes obvious that this is sanctioned by the ruling class and the resultant crack down and martial law is the desired outcome.

  5. @Mickey Moussaoui September 14, 2017 at 12:49 pm

    > If their cause was moral and ethical,
    > who are they hiding their faces from?

    The immoral and unethical?
    Not that I’d have any idea who that might be.

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