Antifa vs. Daily Show – IOTW Report

Antifa vs. Daily Show

DC: The Daily Show’s Trevor Noah described the far-left extremist movement Antifa as “Vegan ISIS” Thursday night, among a host of other jokes and insults rebuking the group of violent anarchists.

Noah’s jokes follow the establishment media’s change in stance towards the extremist movement, which earned widespread ire following violence in Berkeley last weekend. During the protest, random onlookers, conservatives, and journalists were assaulted by gangs of black-clad “anti-fascists.” The group even went after a comedian dressed as a popcorn vendor, deeming him a capitalist.

Naturally, members of Antifa and their left-wing sympathizers did not take Noah’s jokes lightly. From accusations of Nazi sympathizing to all-out death threats, leftists are upset by the comedian’s right to tell jokes.  read more

15 Comments on Antifa vs. Daily Show

  1. Internal poll numbers not jiving with Antifa among the depolorable voters (aka white blue collar workers) of Michigan, Pennsylvania, North Carolina, Wisconsin, etc. Peolsi was the dog whistle to the media and left wing hack show hosts its time to throw their Brown shirts under the bus.

  2. Antifa is like an unruly dog that slipped it”s collar. And now the Dems have no idea how to get that collar back on. The Dems created the breed, let them suffer the consequences.

  3. It’s incredible to me that what, 10 days ago? they were untouchable. Time for a rebranding. But I don’t think the Left has anything remaining that will help them connect to normal Americans.

  4. TO MJA

    Not only – AS A GIVEN – are the vids you refer to going to be poison to Dems in 2018, but there remains the possibility in my opinion/paranoia that Soros (or whoever is funding these Hitleresque-SA thugs) “dials up the violence to eleven” and the Dems lose TOTAL CONTROL over their AntiFa “narrative.”

    Bad for Americans in their vicinity, good for the Right and America (i.e. BRING IT ON).


    They are trying to set themselves up for 2018, so they can’t be accused of being complicit, even though they wink to ANTIFA to keep up the good work.

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