Antisemitism Allegations Used to Silence Vaccine Opponent – IOTW Report

Antisemitism Allegations Used to Silence Vaccine Opponent

“This is a shameful attempt to silence anyone who challenges the official narrative and raise legitimate concerns about the safety and efficacy of these experimental vaccines.”

Andrew Bridgen, a British politician and businessman, has been expelled from the Conservative Party for quoting an Israeli doctor who said that the Covid vaccines “were the biggest crime against humanity since the Holocaust.” He has been falsely accused of being antisemitic, something he denies, and has only ever been a friend and advocate of Jews. The expulsion of Bridgen is just the latest attack by the establishment to silence anyone against their vaccine agenda. In an interview with GBN News, Bridgen discussed the campaign being launched against him.

When asked if that was a flawed and potentially quite offensive comparison, Bridgen cites that 25 of the world’s leading Jewish doctors and scientists wrote a letter to Number 10 (Downing Street, the residence and office of the Prime Minister) on the 30th of December, accusing the prime minister of falsely accusing him of antisemitism, which diminishes real antisemitism. He also accused the prime minister of seeking to shut down his right to free speech in the House of Commons, which he regards as a sign of a totalitarian regime. read more

2 Comments on Antisemitism Allegations Used to Silence Vaccine Opponent

  1. B R E A K I N G
    WHERE: msNBC
    WHEN: Just now
    WHAT: Sudanese Imports

    There is a very very very bad man named Bryan Stern running import ops for winking blinkings and Loyd. It is an org called projectdynamo and has worked across at least 3 different countries and campaigns to raise funds for their 501c3 charitable org to help pay for the importation of tens and tens of thousands America seekers seeking re-location fees and transportation assists into every town and city near you in anywhere inside the Borders of the United States.

    This is a very very very bad banksturds of amerikans operation. BEWARE. It is being pushed and amplified bu msNBC Mika and her BBC katty counterpart in the UK.


  2. To paraphrase Syndrome (The Incredibles)
    “When everyone is special (antiSemite)…….then no one is special (antiSemite)”


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