Antony Blinken’s ‘innocence’ claim adds to web of lies about Hunter Biden – IOTW Report

Antony Blinken’s ‘innocence’ claim adds to web of lies about Hunter Biden

NYP| Jonathan Turley:
Secretary of State Antony Blinken is claiming the political version of the immaculate conception.

In a Fox interview, Blinken suggests that he is free of blame in the creation of the 2020 letter from former intelligence officials claiming that the Hunter Biden laptop story was likely Russian disinformation.

Despite the primary organizer of the letter naming him as the Biden campaign adviser who first raised the claim, Blinken insists that he remains without sin.

All of the letter signatories are taking the same position.

No one is at fault in one of the most calculated false stories ever planted in the midst of an election cycle.

That would be hard enough to believe, but it’s not even the only lie Blinken is accused of telling in relation to Hunter Biden.

Blinken is also facing questions over allegedly false statements made to Congress related to Hunter Biden.

He claims he never emailed Hunter, when messages on the president’s son’s laptop show he did.

Let’s start with the letter.

11 Comments on Antony Blinken’s ‘innocence’ claim adds to web of lies about Hunter Biden

  1. Satan is the father of all lies.

    EVERY SINGLE PERSON in the Retarded Pedophile Usurper’s mal-administration (including the Retarded Pedophile Usurper) has been caught in at least one lie.

    Therefore, the Retarded Pedophile Usurper’s mal-administration is of Satanic origin.


    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  2. Sure he did his wife…
    Just a bizarro wild claim cause thats all that got, off the wall bullshit the wilder the better.
    But Hunter did boink your wife right after he rubbed crack all over her poody.

  3. Yes of course it’s totally believable that a pothead, crackhead, whore-mongering, crook, liar, and thief who screwed his dead brother’s wife would would have morals, standards, scruples and use restraint…
    Silly me!

  4. Isn’t Blinky the one what wanted to be a rock and or roll star a while back ago? I’m pretty sure it was the Blinkster. Do what you love and you’ll never work a day in your life. Or, if that won’t work, public service my boy, nearest thing to it.

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