Anxious Dems urge Clinton to open up – IOTW Report

Anxious Dems urge Clinton to open up


TheHill: Democratic senators, anxious over Hillary Clinton’s inability to pull away from Donald Trump, have some advice for their nominee: Be more open, show your soul, focus on the economy and talk about blue-collar jobs.

Recent polls show Trump within striking distance of Clinton in the presidential election, defying predictions in Washington that he is doomed in November.

The Republican nominee’s ability to stay competitive while running an unconventional campaign has underscored what Democratic lawmakers see as the need for Clinton to improve in certain areas.

These lawmakers, who served with Clinton in Congress and have known her for years, say her public persona is too guarded.

They struggle to reconcile the charismatic, warm and funny woman they know in private with Clinton’s public persona, which can come across as stern, aloof or annoyed.     MORE

23 Comments on Anxious Dems urge Clinton to open up

  1. The author said, “They struggle to reconcile the charismatic, warm and funny woman…” Ah yes, always the mysterious, unnamed “they” Kin to “sources” and “friends close to the…”

    There is no such thing as journalism now. It’s all about getting their fucking POV into the story. This asscake is seriously going to try and tell me that Hillary Clinton has a warn and funny side??? Are you fucking kidding???

    She klounked Bill in the head with an ashtray…wha? did he tell a bad joke? How about the security guy sweeping her overseas’ room with a dog when she came in and said, “What’s that fucking dog doing here.” and proceeded to ream his ass for 15 minutes. Or the numerous military personal with close encounter horror stories? The hounding of Bill’s conquests? The laughing about getting a rapist(OF A 12 YEAR GIRL!) off? I mean we’ve got over 30 years of this nightmare bitch.

    Her vile and evil personality is well known…except the unnamed THEY have seen her lighter side. At least Obama can fake it.

    Jesus H Christ, give it up assholes.

  2. That picture. Why? Now i can’t eat my Vindaloo ’cause my stomach is churning.

    Soul – she does carry hot sauce in her purse and speaks in a silly accent. Does that count as showing her soul?

  3. Oh I bet she’s all warm and funny, so long as you’re writting her a check!

    This really cracks me up actually. “They” are basically saying she is a 2 faced cunt. “They” are also saying that unless she’s in her elitist safe space surrounded by her cronies, she is aloof or annoyed.

  4. She has farted on camera, had two seizures, took a potty brake on live TV, on several occasions coughed up a lung, fallen while getting on an air plane, passed out, had a concussion, had two blood clots, one in her brain, dodged sniper fire, stolen silverware and furniture from the White House; sent and received classified information on her insecure email system, she has lost or misplaced or had stolen a dozen communication devices, she has been dragged up a flight of stairs, she has bought telephones off of ebay, she has claimed she doesn’t recall 27 times during FBI questioning, and the numbers from the Clinton Foundation and her pay to play are hanging out like dirty laundry. People who have been given immunity will not testify about her email server and email deletions after receiving a Congressional supina, I could go on.

    Seems to me she is acting like herself but there seems to be nobody on the planet who can take her down for a fair trial and then life in prison.

  5. THE ONLY OPENING UP Cankles the ROTTEN will have is when they have her cold dead carcass on the autopsy table. Then be ready to vomit up your toenails from the inside out. Hillary Rotten is called that for a valid reason. A black morass like satan’s elixir will be all that is left, smelling of brimstone and sulfur. Let everyone hope the demons of Hell don’t come flying forth.

  6. Hillary’s problem isn’t about being too “guarded,” it’s simply that she has the people skills of a mosquito. And there are probably no topics as boring to her as the economy, or blue-collar jobs.

    Trump, by comparison, has fabulous people skills. He’s had cameos in films and TV shows. (Imagine a producer wanting HRC for a cameo.) He knows how to talk to people, read their body language, make deals with them, make them laugh, feel their pain. And you know he ALWAYS got the girl. I bet he has dreams about construction workers building yoooge buildings and repairing roads and bridges. This guy is ABOUT economic activity.

    Hillary is only about raping the system for her own personal gain.

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