Any Illegal Alien Can Now Charge California Taxpayers For Fake Genitals – IOTW Report

Any Illegal Alien Can Now Charge California Taxpayers For Fake Genitals

The Golden State’s once-pristine cities have also devolved into third-world hotbeds.

13 Comments on Any Illegal Alien Can Now Charge California Taxpayers For Fake Genitals

  1. On a positive note, these sterilzed folks will NOT be able to reproduce and create more parasites. Just saying. And THAT by the way is the ENTIRE PURPOSE of the tranny agenda – sterilizing the white race (they are the target of 90% of the propaganda, especially the kids).

  2. “Hotbeds” – is that like hot bunking? Or wife swapping? Or just cramming bodies into a king-sized bed and seeing what happens?

    Or did you mean “hellholes,” which has a whole different meaning?

    It’s not important.

  3. ““Roughly 700,000 illegal immigrants in the state between the age of 26 and 49 qualify…”

    how many illegals are there there?
    it will ultimately be paid for by US taxpayers
    and it is elective, cosmetic surgery for a mental illness

  4. Yeah, the humiliation continues for whitey, the working dope, the backbone of western civilization, the folks who made and make what these parasites consume. And I’m not talking about the illegals though they’re parasites as well and need to be excreted back to wherefrom they come. I’m talking about the politicals and the so called elites, the gop faced shit for brains ‘thought leaders’, the ‘laptop class’.

    If you make your living with your hands and the skills you have been taught and developed and your work benefits your fellow man you are my people.

    If your work product would not be missed if undone, if it is as a fart in the wind, if it is as ash in a hard rain, go fuck yourself, shut your pie hole, get a useful job and get back to me once you’ve learned some respect for your betters.

  5. As a result of Newsome and the progtards, California has become a Mecca for perverts, criminals, freeloaders, the insane, communists, non binary, asexual, bisexual, pan sexual, and every other kind of abnormal fruitcake imaginable. Hopefully, they will all move there and leave the rest of us alone. And then maybe God will have California drop into the pacific.

  6. Ike is looking more like our best President ever!

    Up front disclaimers;
    Men in my clan have been D for many generations. In’59 Grand Dad, Dad, and I were all D. In my case a Ronny, “GOVERNMENT IS BAD,*” ”D”
    2. I and 17 kin folk, had big dog in this fight. GWB said we weren’t Americans because we “worked the fields” to get $ for College. All graduated NO DEBT! It can be done if you’re willing to get your hands dirty and sweat!

    In ’59 and ’60 I had 3 “Bush Republican” teachers make “A”s into “B”s because I loudly contradicted them in class. OPERATION WETBACK was not an isolationist, racist program! Ike deported about 3% of the folk in America because they were criminals! Just like Ronny firing traffic controllers. Both Presidents acted to enforce the law. “Bush Republicans” have subsequently modified T-H so govt employees can now legally strike.

    Go Bush!

    I said then, and stand by my words. Ike was not racist HE WAS PROTECTING AMERICAN WORKERS AND ENFORCING THE LAW!

    Because of the huge reduction of criminals in America crime related posts dropped materially! The Fed budget 3 of the next 4 years had surplus!

    For those <70 that means the national debt went down! We did not, but could have, LOWERED THE “DEBT CEILING”!

    A direct result of the budget surpluses was that we had DEFLATION in the 50’s. THE COST OF LIVING WENT DOWN
    Giving working and retired Americans a tax free pay rise!

    I went to detention not because I backed a Republican; but because OPERATION WETBACK was , it now seems, the best thing done for working and retired Americans in 200 years! I am American!

    The dumb Bush told 2 BIG LIES in the ’15 debates.

    We could never deport 3% of the folk in America.
    If somehow we did manage to deport the criminals – the government debt would explode for the next decade.

    In Jeb’s defense I’ve said many times he was born a mental defective! Because he was dumb his grand parents and parents bribed the leftist UT to give him a PBK Key. OK they donated $xx,xxx,xxx Wink wink, nudge nudge.

    It is clear, at least to me, that the Bush-Biden OPEN BOARDERS policies the last 24 years have both weakened America and hurt working American.


    * in 1947 a union president, Democrate made that statement. I subsequently voted for him 9 times. Would have voted for him 15 time!


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