Anyone Notice the Youth Vote Figure from Minnesota’s Early Voting Numbers? It’s Not Good…If You’re Joe Biden – IOTW Report

Anyone Notice the Youth Vote Figure from Minnesota’s Early Voting Numbers? It’s Not Good…If You’re Joe Biden

Townhall: Political coalitions are not transferable, and the Democrats could possibly learn that again the hard way come Election Day. Like Trump, Barack Obama undoubtedly was a figure who could get unmotivated people to the polls. He did that. Generally, he had a coalition of young people, minority voters, and union workers. That’s almost unbeatable, so thank God we have term limits.

Hillary Clinton thought she could do that in 2016 and failed miserably. Now, we have Joe Biden out there seemingly oblivious to the fact that his support with Black Americans is cool at best. Like with Hillary, young people are not excited about Joe. The difference between like and love is huge for ground game operations. And as you see in Florida, voters liking but not loving Biden is the cause of Democrats’ early voting heartburn down there. In the Sunshine State, Democrats are in a panic. Up north, Michael Moore is firing off warning flares in Michigan, and rightfully so. It’s tightened up across the Rust Belt. more

8 Comments on Anyone Notice the Youth Vote Figure from Minnesota’s Early Voting Numbers? It’s Not Good…If You’re Joe Biden

  1. Hans
    NOVEMBER 3, 2020 AT 8:38 AM
    “Barry called President Trump “a 2 bit dictator.” Wonder what that makes Barry? A two orificed dick taker?

    Sorry a little humor this morning.”

    …well, if we’re going there, a little Li’l Rascals humor in that same main vein…

    “The Gang is in school and it’s time for their grammer lesson. The teacher asks for someone to use the word “love” in a sentence. Alfalfa shoots both of his hands in the air and shouts “pick me!! pick me!! ” The teacher says fine Alfalfa go ahead, Alfalfa says ” I LLLOOOOVVVVVVEEE DARLA !!!!! Then the teacher says I want some one to use the word “hate” in a sentence, Spanky feeling jealous that Darla has stole his best friend from him, shoots both his hands in the air shouting “pick me!! pick me!!” and says “I HATE DARLA!!!” The teacher then asks for somene to use the word dictate in a sentence and there is complete silence in the class room, teacher scans the room and sees Buckwheat sweating and avoiding eye contact, so the teacher asks Buckwheat to use the word dictate in a sentence, Buckwheat is stunned, he stands up and is silent for about 30 seconds then smiles and says.. “Darla say my dick tate good! “”

  2. “And as you see in Florida, voters liking but not loving Biden…”

    …there is something seriously wrong with you if you even LIKE a petulant dictatorial pedophile that would steal your money AND your guns AND your freedom IF he were even the actual CANDIDATE, let ALONE the fact that it’s pretty open now that he’ll be moved aside for the Jamindian Communist whore at first opportunity.

    …if THIS is something you can even LIKE, you should probably look at your life and make some major changes in it, or at LEAST find a way to kill yourself that doesn’t take the REST of the Country to hell WITH you because you’ve got some SERIOUS self-esteem issues if you think THIS treasonous molester is the best you can do for President…

  3. Old school Minnesotans are notoriously aligned with the DFL (dumb f¥cks league). Many of them actually still believe the dementiacrats “are for the little guy”. It’s been that way for generations. It’s refreshing to hear about some younger people waking up to the new reality and stepping away from the dogma of their ancestors. Ya sure, you betcha!


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