AOC-Backed Candidate Loses District Attorney Nomination by 55 Votes – IOTW Report

AOC-Backed Candidate Loses District Attorney Nomination by 55 Votes

Epoch Times: NEW YORK—Queens Borough President Melinda Katz celebrated her victory over opponent Tiffany Cabán on Aug. 7, as the Democratic nominee for Queens district attorney.

“I think that I have a job to do for the people of Queens,” said Katz at a press conference in Queens. “I was duly elected by a plurality of this borough after a very long election day that’s finally come to an end. We will make sure that there is justice and equity in this borough.”

Cabán, a democratic socialist endorsed by AOC, had appeared to win the election on June 25, but a recount found thousands of outstanding affidavit and absentee ballots that made Katz the winner. more

15 Comments on AOC-Backed Candidate Loses District Attorney Nomination by 55 Votes

  1. “Cabán, a democratic socialist endorsed by AOC, had appeared to win the election on June 25, but a recount found thousands of outstanding affidavit and absentee ballots that made Katz the winner.”

    They even cheat against each other.

  2. “… outstanding affidavit and absentee ballots…”

    What does “outstanding” mean? That the votes were purposefully hidden? Suppressed, if you will?

    Or maybe the other Dem crooks “harvested” those votes to put Katz over the top.

    “Outstanding”…”Harvesting”… I love the febreze words Democrats spray around their shitty vote fraud corruptions.

  3. AOC’s power is on the wane in her district or all of Brooklyn really. One thing to remember is that these two were socialist/activists that won’t be improving to lot of the average Brooklynite anytime soon. I hope there is a strong Republican challenger who will tell it like it is, that there is no easy ride, that crimes must be punished regardless of skin color or upbringing and that life in Brooklyn can get better if the community as a whole want’s to work at it.


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