AOC backs Biden reelection bid in 2024 – IOTW Report

AOC backs Biden reelection bid in 2024

JTN: Despite some progressive frustration with the Biden administration, the commander-in-chief appears unlikely to provoke their opposition to his primary nomination as New York Democratic Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez threw her support behind Biden’s reelection effort on Thursday.

Appearing on the “Pod Save America” podcast, AOC fielded questions as to whether she would support Biden in the primary, saying “I believe, given that field, yes.” more

15 Comments on AOC backs Biden reelection bid in 2024

  1. Wasn’t one of La Retardada’s main initial campaign promises that she would fight the entrenched Democrat establishment epitomized by Joey “The Bite” Biden?

  2. @Carlos the Jackal:

    One of the biggest failure of RINO’s is their complete lack of even the party loyalty of a democrat.

    I respectfully suggest that RINOs have plenty of party loyalty, it’s constituent loyalty they betray or lack. Not to mention loyalty of elected RINOs to their oath to preserve and defend the Constitution.

    But there sure is a surfeit of loyalty to the RNC and its globalist cash firehoses.

  3. Makes perfect sense since the grinning imbecile Jackass Joe is one of the few who are no doubt dumber than she is and is totally on board with the destruction of America.

  4. I think Fettermam, Pedo, and AOC should write a book together.

    My idea for a title is “Trunizupzure: The s
    Staaark Of Comrade Murfsbumrs *sniff!*”

    Anyone else have a suggestion?

  5. SNS – Anyone else have a suggestion?

    I think you got it covered, but if you want an alternative title for that collection of stoopnagles, imbeciles and nitwits, may I submit for your consideration:

    “Hey! stop sign, thank you, turn around, horse shoe, turtle turd, cumquat, honk honk, boodle-beep, derp-derp, dinga, dinga, dinga, dinga … *shart*”


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